Liberation: Kicking eSerbia in the Balkans!

Day 1,234, 09:47 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Prior to writing my article yesterday (The Liberation of eCroatia) I had briefly approached President Jacobi to ask for help in my 'cunning plan'. He replied that he would support CAF in Eden agreed and so on. I can understand this; alliances should fight on an agreed plan with agreed priorities etc but convincing Eden or any other alliance to a particular course of action is like trying to get a reluctant mule to move... a long an painful job.

While waiting for Eden I therefore went straight to the eCroats and offered to start RWs. A plan had already been formed and they were waiting for someone to light the fuse as it were; I was given this task. Suprisingly the first action was launching an RW in Western Serbia (occupied by eMacedonia). This was mainly as a distraction. There then followed RWs in eSerbian occupied regions of East of England, North Dalmatia, East Srpska Republic and Tyrol. ALL of these RWs succeeded!!!!!!! Today eCroatia and eBosnia are back on map, eAustria has 2 regions and the eSerbian menace to eCanada from eUK is limited to Yorkshire.

Today five more regions were liberated, including removing the threat to eCanada for eSerbia.

What does this mean? Firstly the defence of eBulgaria will be alot easier as eCroatia and eBosnia can block attacks from eSerbia and perhaps later eMacedonia. eSerbia has significant thorns in her side and this can only help eBulgaria and detract forces from the N.American invasion.

I would argue that it is NOW in eCanada interest to kick eSerbia out of eUK by RW. Why are they there if not to come here? In conjunction with other RWs in in eCroatia and eBosnia eCanada can now snuff out this threat with one successful RW, thus limiting the next N.American invasion to eSpain and ePoland. It is now therefore in eCanada interests to MPP both eCroatia and eBosnia and to coordinate timing of Yorkshire RW with these reborn enations. I strongly urge MoFa Chucky Norris to get on the case asap and President Jacobi to act, if necessary after alliance consultation, but in eCanadas primary interests and perhaps the interests of all N.America.