Let us not forget

Day 1,553, 13:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

My fellow citizens,
No-one will argue with me that the eUK is screwed. We have been laughed at by the French, humiliated by the Irish and hunted down by the Canadians. Everything we stood for has been disgraced by the Eden, our history has been tossed out the window like a piece of old newspaper and our heritage has been set on fire. Our own people have turned against our beliefs of what is right and good; these people are gaining support with the masses.
To these people I say; who are you to decide on what is right for this great nation?
I see the emap and I don’t see a wiped country or a failure. I see a country, who surrounded by the Eden alliance, shouted to the world “We will not be bullied by numbers or by gold!” The Irish and Canadians fought to stop our ideas about joining One and they failed badly. After this we looked around and saw America, France and Germany, they came at us and they won but our gold meant they just slid of us like food off a plate
Now we have finally been wiped and we are falling apart. People say it is our terrible government or our bad military, I say it is our will power that is lacking and you can’t have a scape goat or blame higher powers for that. I agree about the leadership not being the best but at the end of the day isn’t it all our faults for not believing in them in the first place.
The government is openly saying they have run out of ideas to stop this and here is what we should do...
We fight and if we lose then we fight again, if we lose that then we brush ourselves off and fight again and so on and so forth. We keep fighting until our alliance has sorted itself out, then when the time is ready; we strike with the force of 6 nations combined and push the Eden scum off this country quicker than the sun dries up the rain.
“When you go home please say, that for your tomorrow we gave our today” Remembrance Day poem