Legislation and Other Happenings - Day 6

Day 358, 06:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, I've had one week tomorrow in office, and we've maintained a rather productive and busy week. In keeping with tradition, I'm going to go with another update, as well as announce the new legislature that has passed since we are covering Ministry of Information duties as well:

Legislation Passe😛 Small Business Association

Small Business Administration:

Purpose: To aide companies during struggling times of economic recess in the UK, through the use of no interest GBP loans to ensure employment can be retained for UK citizens.

(procedure removed to shorten article)

Proposed by: Dishmcds, Nov 3rd, 2008

Legislation Passe😛 Allowance for the MoT to conduct loans

Terms of Contract

This is to certify the passing of funds from the Government of the UK, through it's branch the Department of Trade to ________, for the purpose of purchasing and consolidating companies in the UK Marketplace. The following conditions must be met in order for this contract to be considered fulfilled.

1. The total sum of 100 G will be lent from the Department of Trade, which is by extension an approved source of the UK Government, headed by the Minister of Trade, to ______, who will use the funds to purchase low level companies in the UK Markets, specifically in food, weapons, and gifts.

2. The Gold included in this loan is not to be used to start a new company in any of those industries. Should _____ choose to do so, it will be considered to be against the purposes of the loan and mean default on the terms of the loan.

3. Products from the companies ______ purchases will be allowed to be put up for sale on the UK markets, but only in quantities of 50 per release, at set prices of .40 GBP for food, .50 per gift, and 4 GBP per weapon. Each company will act as an extension of the other, meaning that ______ is not allowed to have more than (50 times X, where X is the amount of companies they control) for sale at any one time to normalize the flow of goods.

4. If ______ is found to sell at any cost or quantity outside of these conditions, then the loan will be considered in default, and the companies used as collateral for the loan will then be considered repossessed and property of the UK Government (by extension through the DoT, the issuing agency).

5. The term will be as follows on the loan:

Amount to len😛 100 G
Interest: 6% non-compounding
Total Amount owe😛 106
Term of Loan: 3 months (12 weeks, due exactly 12 weeks after signature of the loan)

5a. There will be one possible extension given on the loan should it be deemed necessary under the following circumstances:

If the desired results are being reached, as deemed by a meeting between the Minister of Work, Minister of Trade, and President (PM) of the UK, then one extension of 30 Days (1 Month) may be given due to the low quality nature of the companies. It should clearly be marked within the loan contract on the extension. Once the loan is initially signed by the Minister of Trade (the loaning agency, by extension of the UK Government) and ______, then it would take the signature of the current President (PM) of the UK to extend the loan.

Collateral: (post links here)

Closing: This is a good faith loan from the Government of the UK in an effort to aide it's citizens. Defaulting on this loan automatically disqualifies the recipient of qualification of any further loan from the UK at any time in the future, without exception.

Required to be vali😛
Simple Majority from the House of Commons, linked to vote
Prime Minister (President):
Minister of Work:
Minister of Trade:
_______, recipient

Proposed by: Dishmcds, Oct 29th, 2008 (included entire contract for posterity)

Legislation Passe😛 Proposal of Increased pay through the Department of Work


# Wages; skill = wage
# They need to be able to get half decent wages as they have no where else to go
# More people with jobs more people to take stock off the market

Proposed by: Cheeseball, Nov 1st, 2008

Legislation Passe😛 Small Parties Rights

Empower the President to appoint congressmen to the House of Commons, each of whom are to be drawn from and represent the interests of the 'small parties' in the UK. The small parties being defined as those outside of the 5 congressional/parliamentary parties (as shown ingame). The total number of congress seats given to each party should be determined using the method detailed below.

The President shall appoint these party members into congress on the 26th of each month, using the following procedure:

1) Calculate the total amount of members from the "big 5" = #1#
2) Calculate the total amount of members from the "small parties" = #2#
3) Check how much congressmen seats there are (in-game at erepublik.com) = #3#
4) Calculate the amount of seats to be divided among the small parties: ( #2# / #1# ) * #3# and round it up or down.
5) Use the d'Hondt Method to divide the seats among the small parties. "number of votes" will in this case be equal to "number of members".
Election calculus simulator can be found here: http://icon.cat/util/elections

The President shall then appoint congressmen from the small parties according to whom the Party President of the small party in question so decides.
The President shall then inform these new congress members of their appointment and grant them the appropriate access to the House of Commons forums and sub-forums.

The appointed congressmen shall have the right to debate, discuss, and post proposals in both the publicly viewable and private
sections of the House of Commons forums. They will have the right to vote directly on proposals, just as any other member of congress from the 5 main parties.

If this proposal is accepted by congress, it will be in a 'trial period'.
The results and effects of this proposal will be discussed again on 19 december, followed by a re-vote on 22 december.

Proposed by: CreveRoeland/BigBoyBulley, Nov 2nd, 2008

Legislation Passe😛 House of Lords

House of Lords:

Purpose: To create a larger reliance of Checks and Balances in the UK Government by having an offsetting body of legislation to both review and approve of legislation through the House of Commons and vice versa. The House of Lords will also allow more experienced members of the UK, who do not have the time to commit to the full body of Commons to still advise on matters of National Law.

Procedure: The House of Lords will be committed without a member limit. Each member must meet one of the following criteria to be admitted to the House of Lords, at which time the term will be lifetime, unless the Lord resigns or is removed from his duties.

1. A Member of the House of Lords cannot be an active member of the Commons. If a Lord is elected to Commons, their privileges will be suspended from the HoL until they are no longer in Commons.
2. A Member of the House of Lords can be a Minister.
3. A Member of the House of Lords cannot be the Prime Minister, or a Prime Ministerial candidate.
4. A Member of the House of Lords can be a member of the armed forces, including paratroopers, elites, and otherwise.
5. To be appointed to the House of Lords, the member must:
a. Be accepted by the Party President's of the three largest Parties, and the Prime Minister.
b. Any recipient of an award from the Honours Committee is automatically granted the "Lord" title, so long as they do not violate one of the other conditions listed above in 1-4.

Proposed by: KBoomer/Dishmcds, Oct 27th, 2008

Sorry for the length, but it's been a while since we had a Congressional Report. I'll finish the rest tomorrow or Friday for Commons reporting.

Now, moving on.

I'm going to do a new update, similar to what Stan and the PCP started in their "Spotlight on" series for their members. I think it's a rather good idea, so I'm actually going to implement it for the programs we have for our Ministries to let you newer folk and less vocal people know what we can offer you as a Government. We're going to start with the newest proposal to the House of Commons:

Spotlight on the Ministry of Education:

StanWephen, current PCP President (or Chairman, whatever they want to call it), runs our Ministry of Education. What's that, you may ask? Well, it's a program that's set up to allow you, the newer player to know about our history and processes within the eUK. We're currently looking at implementing a housing rewards program for graduates, and Stan's just finishing up his Core Level testing, so any new citizens apply today!

We're also looking for members for the Board of Education to teach in a variety of areas, so if anyone has time and is interested, contact Stan at the forums, located at http://www.erepublik.co.uk.

Thanks for reading, and we'll all talk soon.

Prime Minister