Knesset Election Analysis August 2010

Day 1,012, 15:19 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
28 August 2010, Day 1,012 of the New World. Those of you who used to read “The Paladin’s Honor” probably remember my Congressional analysis articles. For new and/or Israeli readers, a good example of these articles can be found here. The tradition has its humble origins in MS Paint during the September 2009 eUnited States Congressional elections and has expanded to using sophisticated geographic information systems.

All my previous articles have been restricted to the United States (and the lands conquered by the US that saw an elected representative, such as in China, India, Thailand, and Philippines. A critical component of those elections that allow us to match one party (or any datum) to one region is that each region has one winner – one Congressman.

Israel has too few regions for the same system to work. The geographic factor of the elections would be harder to illustrate (not impossible, mind you), and a plurality can only be claimed on behalf of a political party in two regions: Israel First in Beersheba South District and Jerusalem district.

This month, “Paladin’s Honor” presents a very simple set of graphs for the Knesset elections. Like its origins in the United States, this may be expanded next month. Click any for full size.