Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali - Welcome the Gorkha Rifles :)

Day 755, 10:48 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear citizens,

And now its time to introduce you to the soldiers of our brave second regiment - the Gorkha Rifles.

Famous the world over for their bravery and tenacity, the Gorkha Rifles have often been the elite troops of the armies they have served in, the most famous being of course the Indian and the British Army. The men of the Gorkha rifles know no fear, feel no fatigue and do not know defeat. No odds are high enough, no mountain too steep to climb.

The Gorkha Rifles is unique in that its flag and pendants are masted on the Trishul, or Trident, symbol of Hindu Lord Shiva, and the weapon of eighth century Hindu warrior-saint Guru Gorakhnath. Guru Gorkahnath, whom the Gorkhas (Gurkhas) are named after, led the Gorkhas and the hill people of the Himalaya to not only halt, but throw back the first Muslim advance in India, and led his Gorkha troops to liberate the Hindu frontier territory of Gandhara (now Khandahar, Afghanistan) from the waves of Muslim invasion.


Battle honors aside, their motto, Kafar Bhanda Marnu Ramro, or "better to die than live a coward" should itself be testament enough to the bravery and quality of this regiment.

Their fearsome war cry "Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali" (Victory to Mahakali, The Gorkhas Are Here) strikes fear in the heart of their enemies and they are our elites 🙂

For more rare pics about their boot camp training, please click here


Requesting the elite soldiers of our very own eGorkha Rifles to report for duty and don their uniform proudly as we emulate our fearless warriors.


Time to lock and load ... 🙂 "jai Mahakali, ayo gorkhali" lets drive the enemy out of our land.

for Honour, Pride...JAI HIND.