Issues on the Table, Make your Voice Heard

Day 680, 22:42 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Issues on the table

As The President mentioned in his address today there are many items in the public Dail that are of paramount interest to all citizens as they will ultimately affect each and every one of us. The first that I will discuss tonight is the Raleigh Treaty.

The Raleigh Treaty
A brief overview (in my words) of the treaty is thus; it is a limited mutual defencive agreement and basic statement of neighborly cooperation. After our congressmen and active citizens alike made numerous inquiries as to wording, meaning and intent changes were made that have ultimately led to it’s final form. President Patton's hard work on this treaty is to be commended.

It was a surprisingly benign Treaty that included but was not limited to aiding each other during PTO’s and vowing not to attack one another nor support an attack in any manner by a third party. It included the eUK’s vow to defend us were we to be attacked. All of these are good things for both sides. A scenario was brought up where a past enemy of the eUK invaded the eUK. The scenario held that this might be a justified attack based on past “other than honorable” actions by the eUK. Would we then be obliged to defend the eUK for their past sins?

Very quickly the answer came down from their representative of “No.” eIreland has no obligation to defend the eUK however, the eUK will defend eIreland.

Sounds like a Christmas present. I was pleased, but wary.

The next day the eUK invaded Norway for “the lulz”. I’m wary of charity, I am wary of gifts. I am especially wary of gifts that make one beholden on the eve of an invasion that could bring the wrath of EDEN/FORTIS to the vicinity of our shores. I have no link for you as the discussion has been moved to the private Dáil following the recent eUK aggressions. Feel free to comment here.

Alliances of Neutral States
Two proposed treaties are on the table for discussion with the eAustralian brass. One was submitted by eAustralia to us and the other was authored by myself with help and discussion by many other TD’s notably Rollo Tommasi, Niall-H and Darragh O Faolain. I will note Darragh is strongly against any alliance. I say this not to discount his participation but to ensure that his beliefs are properly represented. 

The eAussie treaty is a well written and concise standard defencive treaty that repudiates unlawful attack on sovereign nations. The Covenant of Neutral Sovereign States that I submitted for discussion was much the same. Since the two are in Private Dáil I shall not go into further detail as to their finer points but let me say that I believe you would find them benign and well intentioned.

Now one might assume that because I authored a treaty that I am a staunch supporter of joining an alliance. I am not. I merely wanted to ensure that if eIreland found herself in need of an alliance by public choice that we would have a treaty ready to implement that met our specific needs. There are many different schools of thought as to foreign policy. I personally support neither PEACE GC nor EDEN/FORTIS though I am more sympathetic to E/F as many of us are. I believe that Sol is probably our best bet in joining a benevolent protectorate with Training War benefits.  Above all I think that our ambassadors and MoFA are our strongest piece on the board. That we have been without an effective MoFA recently is unfortunate, but I applaud the President for filling the bill. I also look forward to Sean Power's ascension to the post. 

That said I believe that the eIrish people MUST be involved in the debate. I urge you to make your voice heard and educate yourself on the incredibly important issues we have discussed today, the future of our Isle may very well may hinge on your choices. With the possible splintering and infighting evident within PEACE GC it has never been more important to remain awake.

Please see articles here and here for information on above mentioned infighting. 

You can find discussion of alliances here in the public Dáil

And the poll gauging support here

In closing
These and other discussions are very important to the safety, well being, economic integrity and sovereignty of our country. I urge you to sign up on the forums, get involved and make your voice heard.

I would ask you if you have not to read the following article Donovan Thomas, Independent Candidate for President. to take a few more minutes to familiarize yourself with my campaign. Thank you.

Very Respectfully,

Colonel Donovan Thomas