Iron and Wine: time for a new start!

Day 1,998, 01:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by james janeway

About a month ago i was partyleader of Iron and Wine. At that moment we had 30 members.

In the last weeks Odan was partyleader again. He is a great guy, but he could not give much power to the party..

Unfortunately today Iron and Wine has only 18 members.

All parties have difficulties to keep the members, but Iron and Wine is in hard times.


This can change! It is time to give the party with the most experience and a lot of great members a new start!
More democracy!
Options for all players, also the new players!
Fighting against an elite that thinks they are the only players that are important!

So join Iron and Wine. The right decission!
And.. support me, so i can become party president!

Yours, James Janeway.