IRC Useage

Day 1,865, 14:51 Published in South Africa USA by irule777

Join IRC!

So I've been a citizen of eSouth Africa for like a week now and being honest, I totally love it here. Nice people, small but fun environment, fairly active citizens, extremely sexy forums (totally why I loved diplomating here). But to be honest, I'm a little disappointed in the lack of IRC activity and I hope that everyone decides to jump on a little more often now.

I'm only (idling a lot, but always around if needed) about ten hours a day. Now I totally don't expect any of you to be that crazy and be on that much, I'm on break now so I have the time, but it'd be nice to see more people jumping on from time to time even if it's just to talk casually. In the last week, I have yet to see A SINGLE cabinet member on IRC except Willdeboer and I'm slightly disappointed. Leaders of this nation should be promoting more IRC activity and not for official business or meetings but just for some casual discussion and working. IRC is a fantastic community builder and a wonderful tool in any President's arsenal and I'm disappointed to see it's not being used by a lot of you.

So I invite all of you to come on down and join IRC from time to time even if it's just to say Hi to someone. Here's the mibbit link (no downloads required):
Mibbit IRC Link