Introducing the new Democratic Party

Day 669, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
The Democratic Party is now, and shall forever be, jointly known as "The Game Mechanics Party"

I tried to retire from this game; I really did. I found out that it's just too much fun. So, I began searching for a new challenge. A new height to reach... and I found it. I had to look no further than America's internal politics and the problems we have.

Parties are making a step forwards with change and less partisan politics, and I applaud each and every party president for working to end such an illogical practice. When I was President, I had two goals. One was to end partisan politics, which I think I can say are more or less extinguished in the United States. My second goal was to educate the populous, en masse, on the importance of game mechanics. The United States needs more gamers and less politicians, and I'm dedicated to making that happen.

The theory of game mechanics is that we need to stop acting like make believe politicians and start playing this game like just that, a game. It's a theory championed by players like One Eye and George Barker, and of course myself. It's a theory I'm dedicated to making the United States immersed in. The Democratic Party will have the largest education system in the political world, and it will be dedicated to teaching new players to play like gamers, not make believe politicians. I've believed in this theory for months, dating back to my "Why So Serious?" article in which I challenged America to drop partisan politics and play the game. We're close, now we just have to finish.

I'm going to quote a few people and what they think about the party:

"Whoa. This is better than anything I could've imagined when you said you wanted the party.
Best of luck, I hope this works."

-- Ligtreb, USWP Senator and Cabinet member

"I'll be joining"
-- Elderon, unaffiliated Senator

"Hmmm. Where did I hear this idea before ? A pure game mechanics party. Yes."
-- Alee Ann, USA Troll Hunter and former Cabinet member

"I like this answer. It "touched me" in all the right places. I look forward to seeing how this pans out. There is an edge to this idea that is missing in the political side of the game."
-- Wapu, AAP Senator

I found a new party to hang out in when not overseas 😉"

-- Jewitt, Vice President of the United States

"If I was a citizen of the eUS, this is the only party I'd consider joining."
-- George Barker, Vizier and Mechanics Theorist

Secretary of Defense Leroy Combs, former President Scrabman, and others also support this movement. Do you?

If you want to know more, here are a few links:

Party Platform:
Party Forums:
Party Page:
