Introducing the Monopoly Party

Day 969, 10:49 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
Taking a break from my usual serious articles for some humor, even if I'm the only one who finds this entertaining.

I have bad news America. You have let me control my own political party. Now I'm free to pursue my hidden agenda:

1. Forcing everyone to play Monopoly

This will turn America into Zombieland. Me being a long-time USWP member should have given this away.

2. Buying every property on the board, and taking all your money.

I already have Boardwalk and Park Place, the oranges, the yellows, the light blues and the railroads. Your efforts to buy the greens and reds will be futile.

Soon, I will collect enough rent money to doughnate to our savior.

3. Changing our economy into a Monopoly economy

You think taxes are too high now, wait until I take $200 for Income Tax and $75 for Luxury Tax.

4. Boring America to death

I will force America to play Monopoly until the record for longest game is broken, forcing America to play a 71-day game.

5. Sending America to jail

If anyone plays the shortest game of Monopoly possible, they will be sent to Jail without passing GO or collecting $200.