Introducing the Congressional Map Game

Day 895, 18:54 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
3 May 2010, Day 895 of the New World. It occurs to me that I know a fair amount about the eUS Congress. I have been recording and even organizing the elections for longer than I realize sometimes. There has to be something to do with all this knowledge of past and present Congressmen.

When I was working on this article, I noticed something about the graphic I produce😛 it is unique to me. There have been plenty of other representatives of Arizona, Michigan, and Missouri, but no one else has represented all three states. Then I got to thinking how many other Congressmen have ran in and represented multiple jurisdictions, and they can be mapped similarly and uniquely. With that in mind, I introduce…

The Congressional Map Game

Here’s how it works:

I will post a list of maps. Each one corresponds to one eUnited States Congressman or Congressional candidate. The contender’s objective is to accurately identify the citizen who is the object of the map.

All maps will follow this legen😛" width="156" height="181" alt="Legend">

- The object of the map has never attempted to run for Congress in the gray regions.

- The object of the map has represented the Ultra Blue regions as a Congressman and has never lost in those regions.

- The object of the map has attempted to run for Congress in the Mars Red regions but never won.

- The object of the map has represented the Ultramarine (Purple) regions as a Congressman at least once and lost a Congressional election in those regions at least once.

- The object of the map has attempted to run for Congress in the Black regions but the election did not happen (as in the result of losing the region before the polls closed, meaning no one won).

It only takes one term or one election for a citizen to have blue or red marked on his or her map. It takes a minimum of two elections for a region to be colored in purple. If a Congressman won in a region five times and lost zero, that region is blue. If he won in a region five times and lost once, that region is purple.

The citizens depicted could be nationally-recognized or only known in their circles. They could be Congressmen serving right now or ones serving as early as October 2008.

Additional Rules:

- Losing as a blocking candidate does not count as a loss. For this reason, Bradley Reala does not have a loss in Missouri, Emmanuel Cruise does not have a loss in Michigan, and Ballman does not have a loss in Florida.

- Winning as a blocking candidate counts as a win. Winning an election, even when not really a candidate, is much less deniable than losing one.

- Only terms served in the eUnited States Congress are recorded. Kazeal’s terms in Israel and Gaius Julius’s term in Bosnia and Herzegovina are therefore not depicted.

- If the object of the map ran in Sichuan or Chongqing, which region the map depicts will be identified. The map file used for China reflects borders before Chongqing broke off Sichuan.

Let’s Do One Together!

Does that sound complicated? Don’t worry – I’ll walk you through the first one.

Data for Sichuan represents Chongqing

Let’s take a look at what we know from this map:

- This citizen has represented Illinois at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has represented Florida at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has represented North Carolina at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has represented New York at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has represented Vermont at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has represented District of Columbia at least once and never lost there.
- The Chinese region on this map is Chongqing, not Sichuan.
- This citizen has represented Chongqing at least once and never lost there.
- This citizen has run for Congress in Oregon at least once but never won.
- This citizen has run for Congress in Colorado at least once but never won.

Now it is up to us to figure out which citizen fits all these characteristics. In the history of the eUS Congress, who is the only person to fit each of these items?

I’ll give you a moment.

The answer is…

ligtreb! " width="150" height="150" alt="ligtreb">

Were you able to figure that one out? Whether you were or weren’t, hopefully you now understand the rules of the Congressional Map Game.

The quiz will be posted at 1800 eRepublik time on 4 May 2010, Day 896 of the New World. Limit one entry per citizen. Answers will be submitted via Google Document. The game will remain open to all until 7 May 2010, Day 899 of the New World at 1800 eRepublik time.

The prize is gold! Currently up to five gold will be rewarded to the citizen with the most correct responses (or divided among multiple winners), but this value may go up by tomorrow.