Interview with Presidential Candidates of SA

Day 1,688, 05:44 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno

Hello, people of South Africa,

This is the first time I write article here. This is the time for presidency election and I want to introduce you both candiates well. That's why I sent them few questions and here is their answers.

1- What do you think about last month of South Africa?

Vanessa: Last month was good, mostly uneventful. Stan is a good president and he is doing very well with the MU payouts.

Stan: Last month was good, we saw more activity on the forums and our citizen numbers and country rating improved slightly.

2- What do you think about alliance of South Africa? What should be done, which alliance should be choiced, do you think full EDEN membership?

Vanessa: We have some good alliaces, but could always do with more. I have a couple of countries that I would like to add but will not mention until I have discussed with my advisors, once I have advisors as CP that is.

Stan: I do not see the point of being in one of the Major alliances, if we keep good relations with out neighbours in the South we should be Ok.

3- What do you think about competition between IA and UP?

Vanessa: I absolutely love the competition between IA and UP, keeps both parties active with a strong goal to try and outshine the other. Both have some very well respected members and both are good, only IA is a little better 😉

Stan: Healthy competition is good, however when people start getting nasty then it becomes toxic and unpleasant. At the end of the day, we have a common goal to make a better eSouth Africa.

4- Do you think any active battle for South Africa nexth month?

Vanessa: We very well may have, again need to discuss this, but I would like to see it happen.

Stan: South Africa will not be going to war, we will support those countries we have MPP's with.

5- What's the biggest problem of South Africa?

Vanessa: We are too few, something I would like to look at. We are a fantastic country filled with lively friendly people, we just need more people.

Stan: Due to the poor economic module, we lost some of out older players who left for production bonuses.

6- Why should people choice you, what is your difference?

Vanessa: Well, I do believe that I am good at handling a situation, I am very level headed, but something that would count much more in my favour is my team, I cannot be a good president without it.

Stan: They should choose me because I have a goal and a great team to back me.

7- Are you going to spend your money for people or do you want to save money for future? (Treasury)

Vanessa: We need a balance, like anything in life, cannot have too much of one and not enough of another, we currently give MU payouts of 40% currently which I believe is fair.

Stan: Our treasury is healthy, we need to use some of the money to support our players, you need to invest in the country if you expect to get anything back.

8- Anything else?

Vanessa: Not much really, would just like to wish Stan good luck, he is a great president.

Stan: One person does not make the country great, all the people working together make us Great!

I hope these answers are helpful to make healthy decision. Thank them to allowing us time.
