Interview with Greatmoff: The man, The Myth, The Legend

Day 1,658, 17:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

Hi there everyone. When thinking about what kind of campaign article to do today, I thought it might be nice to interview my running mate and friend Greatmoff. Far too often, our politicians can be these obscure figures we know little about, so I wanted to show you all that he’s far more than that; a real person and a good friend. Have a read and then give him your vote tomorrow!


PS. For those of you that are wondering, Talonus Kardiac is one of my IRC nicknames… it’s far too long a story 😛 . Join TUP, enjoy the good times and the in jokes!

PPS. My nickname often changes from Talon Karrde to Talonus Kardiac- this is no cause for concern and simply happens ever y time I lose the connection… Which is often, to the disdain of many!

The Interview

Hi there Greatmoff, thank you for agreeing to this interview! Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well I've played erep for getting on for two and a half years now. I've been mainly focused on the Military and Economic parts of the game, but I've gotten increasingly involved with politics, I'm a two times congressman and a 4 time MoD (3 x eUk, 1 x Czechoslav). I'm a big eUk Patriot, and a keen supporter of the ONE alliance. In real life I'm a 22 year old second year Philosophy student studying in Sheffield.

Great. What first attracted you to eRepublik and what manages to keep you here?

I first joined erep after seeing it advertised on another game. The thing that really got me interested in the game was the national military. It was the navy back then (or naby as it is affectionately known by its survivors). I believe the president when I joined was HRH King Woldy the Magnificent (this was back before he was king. dark times...) Anyhow, they were also very interesting times. I joined the Military and immediately felt at home. I fell in love with the Military module and despite its ups and downs it still keeps me here. I'm a competitive person and I like to win, more importantly I like to see the eUk win which keeps me going each day.

Interesting. And now we find you entering into a different contest, in politics! What made you decide to run for CP?

For a long time I was focused only on the military in the game. I started to study the map more and more and tried to predict what nations and alliances would do next. At times I would see them do things which I just couldn't understand at all. After asking experienced players and explaining my reasons I often found that they agreed with me, sometimes I was suggesting something which they hadn't even thought of themselves. I started to realise that I could do some of these jobs. When the eUk got invaded at the end of last year and ended up getting wiped for the first time I decided the time was right to offer my services to the country. After 3 months as MoD during which I reformed the National Military I feel that I've also gained a good grasp of the other elements of government. In particular I've met and gotten to know a lot of players both from our allies and our enemies which is crucial for foreign policy. Having studied one of the most successful CPs the eUk has seen in a long time; yourself (Talon Karrde) I feel ready to put my knowledge and experience to the test. I am eager, enthusiastic and have a fresh mind for eUk politics.
I am ready to lead this nation.

You've studied me, an honour indeed. We've seen a big resergeance of party politics in the run up to this election. Do you think party politics have a part in the game?

I think party politics does have a role to play in the game whether people want it to or not. I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing either, however lately I think party politics has become very negative. It is for this reason I've always stayed out of it. Personally I'm far more interested in national politics and doing what is right for the country, not scoring cheap points for a political party. As soon as parties start doing what is best for them and not what is for the good of the country party politics becomes a problem in my eyes. We must work together as a nation. We have enough enemies surrounding our country, we don't need to make enemies of each other. At the end of the day people must use their own resolve and their own mind. If they feel they are being led astray then they should act on their own, not follow the pack.

A healthy attitude! Moving into this election itself then, what would you say are the key issues our citizens are looking for leadership in?

I think the key issues that our citizens are looking for is honesty and activity. It is important that their leader makes promises that are achievable and that they can keep. Style will get us nowhere, we need someone with substance. Sure it's nice to be promised lots of free things, but is this something we can afford? Right now the country is breaking even. If we're invaded our costs will shoot up and our tax income will drop, so now is not the time for extravagent spending. It is also important that their leader is able to lead from the front. They need to be active. It isn't enough that they do their job they need to be seen doing their job. This installs confidence in the people and this will show throughout the country. I also think the people want a leader who will keep them informed. People want to be led not dictated to or ordered about. It is important to remember that government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.

I think you're right there. Looking to the future, what would you like to see added to the game or modified from the current modules?

Well I think one of the most pressing issues has to be the economy. A lot of players have found their savings to plummet in real value (gold) and it is impossible to make a profit from anything but the top quality companies. Working as manager in raw material companies is getting increasingly to the point where it's just pointless. The admins definitely need to rethink this one. Another idea I have that I would find very interesting if implemented is a scheme to limit the number of MPPs a country can have. At the moment it is pretty much just a big arms race between let’s be honest what is effectively only two sides. I think if the number of MPPs were capped to say 5 per country we could see lots of small alliances spring up. The big alliances would end up fighting each other and smaller countries would be allowed to fight their own battles. If a big alliance got too dominant they would be taken down by a few smaller alliances. This said, it really is little more than a dream. As the eworld currently is however I'm very happy in ONE with our long term allies and friends.

Ah, interesting! We've got two questions left so here's the penultimate one. I think the voters would really like to get to know Greatmoff the man, as well as Greatmoff the leader and military commander so; give me three likes and three pet hates

Hmmmm lets see...
Anime - something I've mentioned before
Football - I support liverpool, I'm looking forward to watching the Euros and I'm also a big football manager fan
For the third one... I'll go with a nice cool glass of cider on a sunny day.

mmmm, lovely- and the pet hates?

Cheating - half an hour on ages of empires with cheat codes and im bored to tears. I don't see why people do it and can't stand cheaters.
Text speak - I think the English language is fine as it is
Justin Bieber - In particular when I'm listening to the radio and dj/presenter gets all excited that he'll be doing an interview later. No... just... no.

I can relate to a lot of that, as, I suspect, will a lot of my readership! Finally then, do you have any closing thoughts for our readers as they go to the polls tomorrow?

For 2 and a half years now I have played erep giving everything I have for the eUk and her allies. When it comes to the eUk and when I hold a position within her government I take my responsibilities very seriosuly. Every citizen has a duty to give their utmost to the country. This means earn your battle hero medals fighting for the eUk and her allies, fighting smart and supporting our allies when necessary. It also means voting for the best candidate. If I am elected CP I will give everything I've got for this country. I don't agree to take on jobs if I'm not prepared to do what is necessary to succeed. If our back is up against the wall and we need to fight through the night I will stay up and fight throughout the night as I have done in the past. I want this country to succeed and if you want this country to succeed then you must fight for the best candidate, the one who has been prepared throughout this campaign, the one who has been organised from the start, the one who has a viable plan to take this country forward. Once again I stand ready to serve my country so please vote Greatmoff for CP on June 5th. Thank you.

Awesome, and that's all we have time for! Thank you very much for taking part Greatmoff, and good luck tomorrow at the polls!

As you’re hopefully aware the 5th of every month is CP election day, and I hope you’ll join with me in voting for Greatmoff when you get the chance!

Talon Karrde
Ex CP and vCP candidate.