Interview with current President of eIsrael- Perfect.Knight

Day 943, 11:06 Published in Israel Israel by Mike Cromwell

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eIsrael- Perfect.Knight.

K0munista: So we start from begining, at first introduce yourself, who You are, what you are doing, how old you are, etc.
Perfect.Knight: My name is Andrew I am RL Israeli immigrated from Russia in 93’ I am 22 years old currently working a nightclub bouncer and an intern in telecom company.

K0munista: Well, what kind of activities except eRep do you prefer to do in your free time?
Perfect.Knight: I like to play other videogames, have good time with my friends making a cookout or something, going to football games ( fan of Hapoel Tel Aviv )

K0munista: Well, for how long are you playing eRepublik, how did you foundout about it?
Perfect.Knight: I am playing erepublik for about 5+- months, I found out it in one of the gaming forums I was active in ( here in Israel ).">

K0munista: At all you're new player, but in short time you become a CP. How did you group so many people around you?
Perfect.Knight: My strength came through my friends and fellow citizens. I spoke when I felt I should. I faced the problems of our nation head-on and people started to believe in me and supported me all the way. Other figures such as even former presidents took me under their wing and taught me how to handle the presidency.

K0munista: You were 4 times congressman. You weren't even a minister, because you play so short. There were any exciting events, any impeachments in your terms?
Perfect.Knight: Indeed! My terms were VERY exciting. I faced about 4 impeachments ( 2 was made right after I was elected ) I always won by a majority of about 70-80% but those happened when I felt I should act before I speak and focus at the task at hand and because I made very difficult decisions ( in our war with turkey ) such as wiping the country it must have made some people angry.

K0munista: And.. You were twofold Vice-President. I think your work weren't hard there, tell us about it.
Perfect.Knight: My first term was a complete disaster I admit I wasn’t half ready for the job I lasted for about 2 weeks before I handed my resignation to the cp at the time, but on the second term as VP I showed ( in my opinion ) my true values and under Franz Kafka I was head of the strategic and military planning together with Greece we have launched a very brave attack on Turkish soil and caused them to retreat to marmara.

K0munista: Tell me how game looks in Israel. Does economy stay on good level, are there good salaries/salary? Do You have a lot of battles to fight, or not?
Perfect.Knight: Our whole history as enation concludes with the problematic situation that our region is in. Greece and Israel are on good terms with each other but Greece and turkey are sworn enemies which makes turkey act with hostility to us and launch many unjustified military campaigns into our land. So we have drama, on the economical side I believe that’s where I am the weakest. The economical module of this game eludes me in terms that I do not wish to spend my time on it. But the wages are low. And the products are most of the time low aswell.

K0munista: Which party was your first? What are political wing of it? Why did you choose it?
Perfect.Knight: I was first in the united Zionist party. They represented the other half of the eisraeli community the foreign players who have great deal of love towards Israel and Zionism that wanted to play here as eisraelis and when I further developed into the game I saw the mistreatment 2 of the communities do to each other ( the rl Israelis and the foreign players ) and that’s when I decided to make my own party that would show and make example to everyone that unity could be achieved throughout hard work and dedication. The party Shalom was Created ( means Peace in Hebrew ) I am in shalom until this very day.

K0munista: Do you want to see 'an Isreal leaf' on the EDENs tree?
Perfect.Knight: I believe that stage would eventually come. And our respects and honor lays towards eden and its help to us for the past months. So yes. I would really like to see this happen.

K0munista: Which new countries do you want to see in V2?
Perfect.Knight: I would like to see more African countries perhaps. And I hear there was or still is a rumor that Egypt will be added so im quite interested of how this would develop in v2

K0munista: How looks the military situation in Israel? Do You have any quaint and strong ... ?
Perfect.Knight: Our military is under major reform and preparation to the v2, we seek to simplify our military model in order to be able to execute orders and missions a lot more easily.

K0munista: Month ago, you were elected as Country President. What good have you done?
Perfect.Knight: I formed a special ministry to work and prepare for a possible babyboom ( which game with the war on turkey ) I met new people on the global political arena who have been very good friends to eisrael and myself. With this I think I improved the global reputation of eisrael as a nation.

K0munista: You are now the CP of Israel again. What do you want to do in your present term as Country President? Maybe capture one of high regions?
Perfect.Knight: When I was reelected I was doing so in order to be on the guard as we were going under Turkish invasion my first priorty was to make this whole thing go away. And then deal with the aftermath.

K0munista: Recently, we saw how Israel lose independence by Turkey. Do you see any positive sides of it?
Perfect.Knight: Yes I do, we closed the 10 turkish mpps that were open against us we got an economical boost when we reappeared on the map. And we made it clear through out our rw’s that we do not wish in further conflict.

K0munista: Will you run one more time in president elections?
Perfect.Knight: Not anytime soon. When my second term will be over I will step down and let someone else to manage the country I will be at their disposal and I will be active on different levels of the countries tasks at hand.

K0munista: What with the immediate future? Will you become a government member? Which ministry do you like and do you want to be?
Perfect.Knight: I am sure that I will hold much value to any ministry because I have good experience in various areas. The current ministry that looks to me the most is The Foreign Affairs Ministry.

K0munista: What do You want to gain in eRep, what are Your dreams about it?
Perfect.Knight: I want to gain recognition as a nation. And perhaps after this was achieved some amount of personal glory.

K0munista: Do you have access to beta? Do you like it?
I do not. I prefer to stay surprised and judge the whole thing when its finished.

K0munista: What countries will be leaders in Your opinion next year?
Perfect.Knight: I think china will play major role also Australia and South Africa. The current powerhouses that are on eden side ( Poland,Romania,Croatia) would be still with some influence but its too early to tell.

K0munista: What do you think about last EDENs fail? It's the beginning of the end?
Perfect.Knight: No it isn’t perhaps some revising of the current approach of picking the battles and the agendas that eden should have. But in general month ago eden had many victories. The wheel is round and every up side should have an down side. Same thing with Phoenix.

K0munista: And...Do you want to tell something from yourself?
Perfect.Knight: I want to thank you for this interview it was much pleasure for me to answer the questions. 🙂

K0munista: I'm wishing you luck in your game in future. Thanks for interview.
Perfect.Knight: Thanks!

I'd like to thank the citizen for the help with writing this article: