Interview with current President of eFinland- ollizu.

Day 933, 11:47 Published in Finland Israel by Mike Cromwell

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eFinland- ollizu.

K0munista: So we start from begining, at first introduce yourself, who You are, what you are doing, how old you are, etc.
ollizu: I'm 17 years old. I am currently working on with dual qualification which means that I'm studying electronics and information technology in trade school and at the same time studying four subjects in upper secondary school. In Finalnd ofc.

K0munista: In real life you are calm or rather opposite?
ollizu: I'm quite calm.

K0munista: Well, what kind of activities except eRep do you prefer to do in your free time?
ollizu: Hmm, I like to play computer games, but outside my home I hang out with my firends and that kind of things. I also like fishing and cycling.

K0munista: What kind of music do you like? 😃
ollizu: Well.. any kind of music. Currenly I'va got everything from metal to pop on my playlist.

K0munista: Well, for how long are you playing eRepublik, how did you foundout about it?
ollizu: I've been playing eRep over a one year and i found topoic about it from from">

K0munista: What were the beginnings of your game at first days?
ollizu: Well, my first days in eRep were pretty hard and first two months I was a two cliker. Then I activated and got elected to congress.

K0munista: You have joined the party Kansallisdemokraattinen puolue, where you were two times PP, zoom it to us more, why you chose that party, what are the political views of that party?
ollizu: Well I joined to KDP, because I think that it is rigth party for me. It is center-right pary and it views are nationalism and traditional rith-wing values like entrepreneurship.

K0munista: And after some time you have become Minister of Internal Aaffairs in the finnish government, tell us more about these duties, what was Your work about, was it hard?
ollizu: Well it wasn't hard, it was basically company management and accounting. I also gave some money to new players.

K0munista: And than you were Representative of ambassadors, what was your job? Did you have problems with any ambassadors?
ollizu: My job was to help finnish ambassadors to ohter countries. I also puhlished their reports forom their countries in eFinnish media. I didn't have any problems with ambassadors They were very nice players, I think 🙂

K0munista: Five days ago you became President of Finland! What are you willing to do in this cadency? Where do You see the best place for expansion of eFinland?
ollizu: Well I'd like to organize new profitable companies for the government. I'm also trying to activate our army more and prepare it for v2. There is also some minor tasks too, like tutoring new players and publish informative articles.

K0munista: How many of really active players are in eFinland?
ollizu: Active players.. I think that there is about 500 activie players who vote in elections and visit IRC sometimes Others are two clicker and/or zombies.

K0munista: And what should be done in Finland that there was a BB?
ollizu: Our e😜resident Ommi attacked to Russia because he wanted babyboom. I think that we should contact to some IRL media to spread information about the game and gain a BB that way. We have already contacted some newspapers and magazines.

K0munista: You are playing for along time in eRep, which of battles was epic the most in this time for You?
ollizu: Well the battle of WSR on the last summer. That was something.. amazing.. the first big battle that I ever saw. Arter that battles like Liaoning and Nunawut.

K0munista: Few months from now, we were seeing Russian attack on Finland and occupation of all your regions. What were Your and Fins feelings, were you angry or maybe you had other feelings, please tell us more about these days?
ollizu: First I was angry but then I relized that it was a new beginning and we got some new player to build this country up. So, after we regained our independece I was happy.

Finland after the Russian attack :/

K0munista: How many hours are you playing eRepublik daily?
ollizu: Well actively I am play ing about 30 mins, but I'm surfing on the forums and talking on the IRC many many hours in a day...

K0munista: What do You want to gain in eRep, what are Your dreams about, plans in future, next presidency?
ollizu: I really don't know. Prehaps after my presidency I try to get in the congress and arter that I'd like to join army. I want to see v2 too, I'm already in beta 😉

K0munista: How do you see eFinnish's future, are you afraid of anything, can you reveal it to us?
ollizu: I don't know. I'm afraid of our pretty small population but nor for anything else. But future looks brigth, i think 🙂

K0munista: We can see new modules in beta, did you see it, do you like it?
ollizu: The new war module didn't impressed me yet, but i think that when the bugs are fixed it will be okay. Ecenomic side looks pretty good and the time management works.

K0munista: And...Do you want to tell something from yourself?
ollizu: As I said I'm 17 year old student who like fishing and cycling. I live in town of Äänekoski which is located in Central Finland. And I send greetings for my mom too 😛

K0munista: I'm wishing you luck in your game in future. Thanks for interview.
ollizu: Thank you for intervieving me 🙂