Interview in Malaysia with Hungarian Personalities [ENG version]

Day 692, 10:16 Published in Malaysia Hungary by Oliverray
Hello Malaysia!

First, I could tell, that’s my favourite one, because I spent a lot of time with interview and to collect people. I need the challenge. Unfortunalenty, the totally malaysian publish didn’t succeed, but I put BB into my third article. 🙂

- Sorry for my horrible English, but I hope, you can enjoy it… -


Former PPL and DAP party president, congress member in Malaysia.

1. When and why did you start playing eRepublik ?

The first index-article index aroused me enquiring too, but the economic-political part of the game, not the Romanian occupation. Like this, I registred on 9th of February. .

2. Do your name have any speacial story? Why did you chose this name?
I’m registred on many forums with that nick, so that didn’t thought that I need an other one.

3. Are there anything which you managed ingame and you're proud that you've done it or you'd like to mention it?
For what I’m proud? A difficult question, because the result is transient here, like IRL. For example under my PPL presidency, the number of members increased from 170, to 350. With 350 member the party was taken seriously, and now, the party have 170 member again. I’m proud too, that I could attended in regorganization of the mentor program in summer.

4. Are you lived somewhere abroad in eRepublik? On what road did you arrive there? Are you succeed there some rank?
When I was solider of Teller company, I travelled with them in Indonesia, France. My first travel was connected with the Ukrainian TO in March, I visited Kiev in order to vote for Imre Norbert. Since that I had been in lot of countries, but I found my new home in Malaysia.

5. How did you arrived at Malaysia? Would you tell a story about the life of that place and your plans?
Long time ago, on Hattrick football manager’s forum, I met some Hungarians who are now living in Malaysia. I think it was on the beginning of March. They had an idea: to found a small, desolate country on the world’s end, and to try rebuilt it. In may, I joined them in May, and they elected me immediately for DAP president, later I was congress member. I set a q2 bread company, but later I sold it to Orbis Tertius Cooperation (I am a shareholder of it). In June I’m returned in Hungary, because of Fragreg’s request, I took a last chance to built a carreer in Hungary, but it ended fith fail. So that I gave up on August, first O wanted to to give up the game, but the ’Malay boys’ (PGeorge, MartyMcFly and many people) persuade, to countinue, and help them, and now I’m here. The life is different there, because many debates are going on the forum, which later could been read back and been instructive. To develop points of view is easier, because the other half’s view cognizable generally and we can made a common opinion.
My plans? Huh, refreshing my English knowledge, in order to be a full value member of the community, because the opinion is worth something only if you can expound it sensibly. The foreign languages are necessary.

6. What’s your IRL business?
A prosaic thing, I answer calls from interested people in a call centre.

7. And a personal opinion: Do you like my previous articles?
Do you ask it from everybody? … if you would not have self-confidence. Relax, you do it well. 🙂

Former Malaysian president several times, leader of the biggest Malaysian party, DAP, and minister of economy.

First I heard from eRepublik on Hattrick, I read the article of Reaction, and the first Index article from the game, but finally, I joines on the beginning of March. Maybe due to the Hattrick player friends.

That’s my IRL nickname, my friends call me like this.

My eMalaysian political carreer, the continuous development of eMalaysia (in what I made a big pary), and I’m proud of our super community.

Before I travelled in Malaysia on the end of April, as a beginner I lived in Indonesia and Romania. I wasn’t in Romania on my own, because of the second battle for WSR, but later I stay there a few days.

I was already elected as all kinds of ranks in Malaysia, I’m currently the Minister of Finance and the party president, plus I’m the head organizer of Sol Games (training war). These and my companies reserve me, and I wouldn’t like to expand my activity on something more.

What kind of companies have you? How did you got them?
I have 5 firms, all inMalaysia. I guide them in a cooperation form. The half of the shares are mine, the others are my friend’s. I have 2 q3 land, 2 food (q3 and q4) and a moving ticket company.

School leaver economist in an university.

The two former article of the series? They were funny, and I like your initiative. I observed the similar international series. I read sure some of your other articles too, but I read everything, like this it’s heavy to observe who wrote what. I should cheat, if I would want to give an opinion on them.

The register of #erep (mibbit channnel), an important member of Malaysian Djozikeist church.

I didn’t recieve any pictures from him…

Kroovy invited my in the end of May, 2008. Than he founded the NEP, that became later PPL.

Nothing special, I invented it, when I’m registred.

The pride is a dangerous thing, but if it’s necessary to lift something, I can say my Minister of Economy rank in August, 2008. In those days we tried to breathe a little life into the economy with export license support and mainly with the modification of exchange rate. The exchange rate was very strong, because money printings was one or two months before, on the other hand from the new registrations much gold streamed in, that carried up to double the value of the forint opposite gold. Because of this the exports became impossible, and we corrected it. If the the Romanian invasion didn’t came with the end of August, than the result would have been more enduring.
Since spring of 2009, I manage mainly religious affairs. I write a gospel, organize the church, collect other evangelists’s works and I publish it abroad. Of course many people help me and because of this I thank them so much. I’m only a tiny crumb, a grain of sand between their cogwheels.

I didn’t want to leave Hungary, this came only later, when Hungary shrivelled up alarmingly, and the pressure of the ATLANTIS was almast untenable. I may fight for ther Hungarians ina n allied country, but I don’t burden the Hungarian market with my demand. I rescue in Japan first, next to France, I spent a little time in Portugal and in Netherlands.
In my last inactivity from November to February cca. I did nothing very much, then I came home in Hungary. We started to made the Spektator Institute with the thrived kroovy, we helped PPL, to build up a party. I helped Huba, like this, on the other hand it was very monotonous, that was possible to attain in the plitics, so that I conveyed myself for Djozikeist faith and I moved to Malaysia. I’m inhabitan of Malaysia since then, I lead the Malaysian church. I am the arch-abbot, with lesser or greater break , that we are obliged because of pagans' political adventurer to endure, but so the order's of the life, Djozike’s roads inscrutable.

Recently, I have a little time for eRepublik because of RL occupations. If I would have a bit more time, I would direct the gospels a bit. Is in plan to make the sacred texts in English one which can be reached easily on a language for a long time. Quite a few are already translated from him, but they are not gathered up onto a central place yet. Of course we are receiving help to the translation. Important, to the not Hungarian’s know too the true doctrine.

I am a basis academic undergraduate on a business academic specialisation. The compulsory figure and the thesis take away rather much time.

Uh, is need to say, I didn’t read them 😁. In the last months I had time only to click. But I consider it’s a good one, I was thinking about, to made one like this in Malaysia, sure in English, but I don’t believe in the fact that I can spare time for it.

The main God, founder of the Djozikeist religion. Blessing!

Djozike between some angry, green-white sopporter.

I was born on 28th April, 2008. First I was heard from eRepublik on website, but I recieved an invitation on forum.

I invented it in the primary school. Maybe in class 7 or 8 I wrote the word ’dj őzike’ (Dj Deer) and we thought that so funny. Later I want to register on a site and I didn’t want to wrote my surname – my book of biology was in front of me, and in this I wrote ’Djozike’. I thought, let it be, since then I use it everywhere.

I’m proud for a lot of things, started with I was participant in the coalition and we won the election and made the haglee government. Than, my Ministry of Finance rank in September of 2008, and that in October with the old, TO-ed MKKP we get into the congress with 3 representatives. And, obviously I’m proud for the religion…

I spent only one months in Hungary in 2009. I lived in Canada for a long time, two months in Slovakia. There I was managed to get into the congress, later I would been Minister of Immigration in Switzerland, if the theocrats didn’t came and occupied the country. I went in Indonesia, but I didn’t get into the politics, and if I remember well, since spring with a few dayed breaks I lived in Malaysia and I spend a fourth congressional cicle with the Djozikeist Party.

I heard that you played the game with more alias. Would you speak about your death and the Resurrection?
Truely, I was played with one in the same time.
Djozike, therealdjozike, djozikethethird, IVdjozike és djoziketheholygod.
The first was banned because in the Czech-Hungarian war with the invitation system I get a lot of gold, and with it I bought all the guns and foods from the Czech market. With the seconds, I invitated a lot of alias, and I donated the money in the Treasury of Nyitra, with that I helped only the country. The third I think, simple because I had a fake. I don’t remember the fourth clearly, maybe because babysitting.

My Malaysian life isn’t so difficult. I work, eat, fight, vote in congress. My future plans maybe, that I built the Djozikeist Party – in this month we have 6 congress members – if we could gather people from abroad, I could be built a country similar to Theocracy. But it’s a very wild dream.

I’m your believer too. Do you love me?
Yes, I love you.

I’m an economist student.

Those was great, but it will been better.

One of the richest Hungarians, with his companies.

I read about the game on Index and I registred that day. With the first informations I decided, to ignore the game. I didn’t like erepublik. But later my friend registred (one week after me) and I started to play, I gave a choice…

One of my regular nickname, the story only, that my favourite film was Back to the future. I loved the Marty McFly as a character, and as an actor. 1985 is an important date in the film, and not my birth date.

Mainly, I’m playing with the economic modul, and really individually. That’s because I love the challenge, what can I reach from the zero.
I recieved help from my two friends, whos live with me, I made the first companies with their help. Later I bought them out (with this they reached 200% profit. 🙂 . I lead the companies since that, I spend a lot of time. The lawful method of getting a lot of money is very difficult, but not impossible. If I have something to be proud, I would say that I reach 2500-3000 gold money, without cheating. I made it with economic decisions, and investion. And I’m proud that I could help in building Malaysia, my part of it, is that I bought a Q5 house and Q4 wood company and I have 30 employee. They have a very good-paid job, better of the home rate. I pay 1,5 gold daily in the treasury with this. I know, that my tax will be at good place and spent for a good intention.

I didn’t recieve an offical rank, but I didn’t accept them, because I can’t afford an offical work and my companies at same time. I helped the Malaysian economy with a lot adive. I’m afraid, and I’m proud, because I settled here and I could be a part of the last six month.

I settled here in April, in the first 1-2 months, I worked in other companies, later I bought, created mine. From it, I work for myself. I’m spending my 5th congressional cicle, I lead a pary (Strong Idependent Malaysia – SIM City Party). We haven’t a face, but if we had, we tried to unite the company leaders and employees, who did’t want to took place in politics, only intention to the peaceful development with our congressional representatives. Really, if the political statement would changed in Hungary, I would go gome, to made stronger my party. I don’t believe in this, because the people’s statement could be change the circumstances. I hope, that somebody would try, to adjust the politics.

Which companies do you have? Do you speak about them?
I have two q5 house, two q4 wood, two q4 iron, and a q4 diamond company. The land companies had a lot of licens. My favourite was a q3 house in Ireland, because, there I could fill with workers very hard, I spend a lot of time with it. My actually favourite, a Malaysian q5 house company, and I suffer with similar problem. Maily, because recently the goverment started a new q5 hospital company, and 5-6 of my good workers was gone there. I hope, they will come back after one or two built hospitals.

I didn’t read them, but the series are good, that you interview more people. You can’t present evertybody very well, but the majority wont’t read more.