India's Stand (in response to Mikrobi's article)

Day 761, 00:18 Published in Hungary Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Thank you for the article Mikrobi and it is a pleasure having you as the Hungarian ambassador. 🙂 I would also like to forward our thanks to Hungary and Indonesia for pledging support and we will always do our best to remain neutral and keep our dignity.

There are a few aspects I would like to note though ...

1. This aggressive stance of India's was not of our own doing. We were forced to choose aggression...note this point...NOT BY U.S.A. but by MAFIA. They decided to come and challenge us in our country by trying to take over our parties, our congress, our presidentship.At that time, comparisons were made between AHF and MAFIA which is nonsense, as AHF does not go trying out underhanded tricks in neutral nations. Also, AHF works for the nation, never against it and always listens to reason. Faced with no choice, we have had to take up this path of anger and aggression as we were quite unsurprisingly, alone! (The price of being neutral)
For PHOENIX/PEACE - they were helpless as they could not do much against a staunch ally like Iran. We respect that and also know that it could happen again. So whilst an UNEASY truce lies between Iran and India, the war is far from over and due to the repeated insults faced, if not now, then perhaps later, I have no doubt the two nations shall face off bitterly again and we will take back Jharkhand, either through diplomacy or by force. Only then will India be "free" and have achieved the objective that we set out to war for.

2. EDEN came to help of their own accord, were never invited by us. That I think was their most positive aspect. Not to draw battle lines here, but perhaps PHOENIX/PEACE could have become our saviour and done more to negotiate a successful handing over of our regions? Instead SEAL TEAM 6 spent huge amounts of gold and effort to free our regions against Iranian defiance. True, this was their ulterior motive to stick it to their enemies, but could not a wise statesman from PHOENIX seen this and nipped the EDEN plan in the bud? I find it impossible to believe that no smart statesman exists in the greats who form the core of PHOENIX. 🙂

That is the reason you can understand why there is sympathy towards EDEN in eindia. They may have had their motives, but have at least shown by action, not mere words. More to the point, they have also respected our need for neutrality and have refrained from using us and honoured our wishes...esle by now, the USA could have tramped through us, similar to Japan and gone on to Jharkhand or Karnataka...they have a lot of godl to spend u know! 🙂

This is vital to understand why India might sway towards EDEN but also have an affinity to Indonesia. We do not share the same relationship with PHOENIX as a whole but have strange bedfellows indeed 🙂

We in India have high hopes that we shall, as individual nations, forge deep bonds with Hungary, Indonesia, Romania and the USA as we respect all the big 4, who have proved that they are not only about power but its power with strategem. We also wish to prove to the world that neutrality is NOT an outdated concept and that neutral nations, if they have character, shall always rise to new challenges, instead of failing.

All I can assure the eWorld is that india shall NOT be cowered into submission (as we showed to Iran) and will pursue what stays true to our ethos...COMPLETE Independence. (Lest your forget, we are not completely independent as yet...not by a long shot! 🙂

MoEA , eIndia