inb4delete: An eCitizen Help Guide to eRepublik

Day 1,017, 20:35 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

This guide is to help befuddled citizens in their quests to write newspaper articles.

If you ever created an article for lulz (that many people seem to be enjoying by supplying more and more votes to it) and received a WARNING then here is why:

"You have received a warning from the admin with the following message: You have not respected the 3rd eRepublik Citizen Law, regarding spam.

3.1 No vulgarity, insults, spam, or advertising for external products or services are allowed."


"WHAT HAPPENED??!!" is what you're thinking. Well, your article was just reported. Now you might be wondering what you have done to offend a person who just reported your article when it was, in fact, not violating any of the above reasons. Well, take a look at what is actually stipulated in the eRepublik laws under this violation:

Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking amendments 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2)

1. No vulgarity, insult, spam, or advertising for external products or services are allowed.
2. Quotation of private discussion without the consent of those parties involved is prohibited. If a citizen reports a quotation of a private discussion, it goes without saying that the action has not been approved by the reporting citizen. "


Now if you still believe you are not in violation of the law there is hope. Just scroll to the bottom of the current eRepublik page you're viewing and click the CONTACT link.

This is where you may submit a ticket to refute the claim against your article. Now let me tell you that this is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to get an IMMEDIATE response from the admins of eRepublik. If you were wondering if there was any other way of getting in contact with the administrators by TELEPHONE or EMAIL then you are certainly in luck! Its located somewhere on this website and its incredibly easy to find. You will be helped in NO TIME at all!

I hope this article was helpful to all you citizens of eRepublik because if you had any DOUBTS about this game and WHO RUNS IT then be rest assured that help is only less than a click away.