I Was Your Servant on Earth, I Did My Duty...

Day 1,645, 14:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

Karrde for Congress

My name is Talon Karrde and if you don’t know why you should vote for me you haven’t been paying attention!

I was the Country President last month and the month before, and it really isn’t a stretch to say we now have a country largely due to my leadership and influence over those two months. I’ve continued to be politically active since my terms ended, as an advisor to the current government and in our alliance, ONE, as a Military Commander. (MC)

This month for congress The Unity Party has departed from our usual strategy (to win congress by ‘numbers,’ ) and has instead chosen to win congress a different way- by producing a lasting legacy for the country. If this current month and its government has taught us anything, it’s that there’s a need more than ever for us to give the country a secure future, by bringing through players that have two incredibly important attributes, regardless of age:

Activity, and Competence.

All parties promote activity and give more power and responsibility to their active members- this is good. Where TUP want to differ, though, is in competence. We teach our players a certain style- giving wisdom beyond their days, and we believe that this mix is exactly what the country needs right now; with a blend of experience and vitality that can and will drive the country forwards.

That’s where I come in; I’m part of that experience, a calm and wise voice that can and will help the less experienced to gain exactly that experience that is necessary for our country, and will continue to take an active role in governing not just the country, but the global alliance that we represent.

So if you find yourself in Yorkshire (my home county) on Friday, send your vote my way. If not, here’s something you don’t see in every manifesto! I want you to vote for someone else. I have two good friends I’ve made recently, less experienced players that I think have exactly the right blend of intelligence, activity and just plain competence to go all the way in erepublik. I want you to vote for them!

They are: Alan Hammond and Jordee14 Both will do you proud if you vote for them, please do!

That’s it from me for now, keep on keeping it real UK.

Talon Karrde