I Vote no on Kosovo

Day 1,420, 08:21 Published in Serbia Brazil by Dio Jazar


Some days ago I´ve saw some shouts about Kosovo in this game, Kosovo and Albania, and I was really curious about it. When I saw that admins were planning to really add it I *facepalm*.

Im not like some people who have some idea about something, but hide it for its friends, I like to have my own opinions and to have my friends even if we dont agree on everything. I share the same idea of the linked guy, but not the same mentality, both of us agree that adding Kosovo is an absurd.

In the brazilian forum we are currently debating the position of the brazilian community about this issue, I cant talk for the whole community, but I MUST say that the majority who debated the issue favours voting NO, for not adding Kosovo.

I must quote part of what itsmeyoshi said on our debate (and translate it):

Kosovo isnt, and never will be independent country. It does not have an own population, no identity, no ethnicity, no linguistic. It wasnt even considered independent republic while part of Yugoslavia ( like Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and "FYROM/Macedonia").

Kosovo is a geopolitical frankenstein created by OTAN in the 90s, when USA decided to destroy Serbia (in a total illegal military operation) to make sure they would gain influence among others ex-USSR/CCCP. Since Serbia (is the best allies of Russia in the Balkans, the big stick politic of USA worked to scare other balkan countries. Their argument for this invasion, once again, was human aid, to save albainians who were getting murdered by serbians. (partially true, but same logic isnt appplied against their allies fro mIsrael, Saudi Arabia and etc).

In my own opinion, adding Kosovo is no good, is torturing two diferent populations for some IRL issues... is to bring more racism, more extremism to the eWorld. We have "kids" here too... adding Kosovo is just raising this kids and breeding their hate for other people because of their nationality.

ADDING KOSOVO IS MASS TORTURE. Is not having any sense of respect. Admins hands are dirt with greed already, adding Kosovo will just make them dirt of blood.

I hate to mix IRL with game, as admins once said this is a new world, they can add the countries they want, they could even make some imaginary countries like neverland xD

One thing that called my attention is that admins never spent a single euro/dolar to advertise their game... they ask us to vote for their game as the best (not even give us something in exchange)... in the first birthday of erepublik they not even gave us gifts, just gave us some stupid bars to advertise the game.

What is Kosovo if not a way of admins to make money at our expenses? Have you ever see admins paying some babyboom? NO! But dont you think someone will fund stupid ultranationalist babybooms based on Kosovo issue, from both sides?

They dont invest on their own game, we do invest here and get nothing in return!
Voting NO about Kosovo is not only respecting Serbia, respecting international laws and etc... VOTING NO IS A WAY TO SHOW ADMINS THAT THEIR GREED HAVE LIMITS, VOTING YES IS JUST GIVING THEM MORE POWER FOR FUTURE ISSUES LIKE THIS!

Srsly, if you have a brain and can think straight you will see that kosovo has no future in this game, Kosovo dont have more potential then many countries that still dont exist here. Albania might have a community too and with the right personal investment it can grown. Personal Investment... because if admins focused right on marketing and spent their own money this game could be bigger and much diferent.

I dont plan to offend, BUT the countries that are stronger here aren´t like this because they have better infrastructure IRL, they are like this because they´ve grown and advertise this game asking for help against IRL rivals... the players of this countries stay more the nothers, but not because this game is freaking cool, but because they wish to win and punish their IRL rivals.

About last Terra Article regarding this issue... I must *FACEPALM*

Also a big facepalm HERE...
