How NOT to run for President

Day 955, 15:27 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

I read an article a few days ago that made me angrier than I've been in a while. I gave AidenAstrup some time to show evidence of his outlandish claim that the USA is 12,500 gold in debt, 8,000 to a mysterious organization known as the Federal Reserve.

Despite repeated requests, neither I or anyone else has been shown documentation, a law in Congress, a post in the Select Committee on Intelligence, or even donation records that prove our government owes the Federal Reserve 8,000 gold.

After his article, I cannot support AidenAstrup's run for President.

He used a crisis for political gain, and it looks like he may have exaggerated the crisis as well.

If you found out there was a major problem in this country, which would you do?

1) Work with the government to try to fix it.
2) Write a campaign article, telling people to vote for you so you can fix it.

Most people would do #1, or at least do #1 before doing #2. Aiden chose only #2.

This is a hard article for me to write. Back when I was a newb, AidenAstrup was my mentor during my first run for Congress. He's done great work for this country and knows the game very well. But Aiden has failed us all here.

The Federal Reserve was never approved by Congress and has no governmental oversight. There is no record of them loaning 8,000 gold to the government, let alone the government agreeing to it. Even if AidenAstrup is elected, I urge Congress not allow AidenAstrup to send 8,000 gold to the Federal Reserve without proof the debt exists.

But let's assume for this argument Aiden's numbers are correct. He doesn't have to be President to start solving the problem. Congress controls our budget, even though the President has a lot of influence. Aiden is a 14-time Congressman and clearly knows the economics of this game very well. Surely, he could propose some bills that would help us repay the debt. He hasn't.

If he was busy, he could've alerted someone with some say in how things were done (Congress, Executive) and let them do the work. He hasn't.

Even if Aiden's numbers are right, it looks like he's using this crisis for his political gain, putting himself above the country.

I want a President who takes action first, and takes credit later. I have no problem with any Presidential candidate (or citizen for that matter) bragging about their accomplishments and asking for votes because of them. But don't ask for votes for something you're planning to do when there's nothing stopping you from doing it right now.

I do think AidenAstrup could make a good President someday, but cannot support him for now because of his approach. I'd also love to hear how he would pay off 12,500 gold worth of debt without raising taxes or cutting military spending -- because I don't see how it's possible without one or the other. That just sounds like another politician comment, something I thought Aiden was above.

I hope AidenAstrup learns from this, and runs for President again in the future. He is still one of the more valuable citizens this country has. He just crossed the line this time.

UPDATE: None of this reflects on Devan Kronos (Aiden's VP pick) at all. Devan Kronos is a friend and someone who I hope runs for President someday.