Honour in Hungarian = ?????

Day 1,156, 15:22 Published in Brazil Brazil by Dio Jazar

Former members of PEACE and PHX, tongiht we see the nation of one of our symbols and idols, Euphonix, being invaded by Spain, greedy Spain.

And the most impressive is to see that on the other side of the battle, fighting against Portuga,l is Hungary. Their MD orders are for MKD, but their army orders say to help spain (against portugal and 2 mpps lolz), also is impressive to see that isntead of tanking for other people, hungarians insist on dealing 120k+ on tanking for Spain, their new buddy.

I guess Euphonix now regret doing this for hungary when it was just a Romanian Colony, ingame. You can help the moustache country, move to France, Portugal or Brazil... or convince your country to MPP Portugal, lets do it like old times 🙂

ps: hungary also fought against NL :/