Hitting Close to Home

Day 378, 14:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, since I dont want to get into the habit of posting more than one article per day, here's my next campaign article.

Hitting Close to Home

As I leave my house, nestled into the Northwest, I think about what is necessary to be the Prime Minister of the eUK. I look back on my time not only as Prime Minister but long before that, in a World that desperately needed leadership. A World that was completely baseless, and had to be shaped for the future of today's generation to experience benefits we were not awarded.

As a young man, I was heavily involved in eUS political structure. Even then, whilst I played around behind the scenes in the Department of Defense (US), I managed to keep on top of politics in the UK. I even guest wrote an article in a newspaper in London back in the January Elections, regarding the political scope of the UK. It was rather well received, and my writing has always been lengthy if not thorough. I was a main principle in the negotiation of the PANAM Treaty, and made many friends throughout South America and Mexico. It gave the American countries a strong base to stand on, while Europe was entangled in a mass of Pakistan v Sweden rage. The Northern Alliance was always at odds with FIST, which is a battle which still rages on today, just in a different form.

After 4 months as the Secretary of Defense, and being involved in the startup of the entire Defense structure of the States, I moved into the Vice President's chair. To be honest, I wasnt required nor asked to do much. The one valuable decision I made then was to move the National Gifting Program into the very capable hands of my good friend Pearlswine, who still heads the position today. His scripts are also the base of the UK gifting program, which can list every single fact available for every person in the United Kingdom. I was also a main principle in the foundation of ATLANTIS, which I am very proud of.

As President, it was much different. I was in charge of regulating the dollar, ensuring market availability, military conflicts on three continents, and overall set up of a Government that up until I took office was rather independant from itself, even. I believe I changed that. The organization I brought to the Government then was more than necessary, and we began to act in unison. In fact, four of the five Presidential candidates when I left office were from the cabinet I kept in the States.

Fast forward four months. Since I've been in the UK I've done nothing but dedicate myself to it. I've spent as much time as anyone upholding procedure, amending current proposals to better fit V1 with major changes to both the War Module and Economic Structure (extreme change from overproductivity to under with the new formula), and ensuring the safety of our Great Nation.

Combine that with the fact that I've covered two Ministries myself due to inactivity, and tried to help every single new person I could, both personally through PM's, programs, and projects, and indirectly through my donations of housing to a few people, donations to the Houses for the Homeless Program run by Ip, and keeping foreign goods off our markets at unreasonable prices (on two occasions).

My strength is simple: I'm active, organised, and passionate about my beliefs. I'll fight tooth and nail for you, the citizen. I'll fight tooth and nail for you, the GM. I'll go to any length within the power vested in this office to make sure there are opportunities, so long as your willing to help yourself as well.

My term speaks for itself. My accomplishments, my resume, and my knowledge speak for itself. The SBA, once a pipe dream while we all fought tooth and nail over how to run the economy, is now a realisation. The NHS, once dormant and dying, is now very real. It now even has the added bonus of a GM's gifting program, which will be announced by the Minister of Health soon enough. New citizens have access to jobs, they have access to health care, and they have access to me.

And I pledge with another term there will only be more good to come.

Thanks, and I look forward to your vote on Elections Day.

Prime Minister of the eUK