Helping ourselves and our allies

Day 947, 11:56 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

By now, I hope you've all seen Chocolate McSkittles' latest article, where he says that if Poland wins in Scotland, Poland and Ireland will be renting regions from the USA.

This is a great plan, and has the potential to be a huge boost to the USA, Poland, Ireland, the Brolliance and EDEN.

While the USA does not have any natural high-iron or high-diamonds regions, we have been blessed with multiple high wood, oil and grain regions. The way this game works, countries don't get any advantage from multiple high regions of the same resource. One works just as well as ten.

If Poland wins in Scotland, we will have the ability to rent out our extra regions to allies who need them. Poland is one of the strongest countries in the world even without a natural high-resource region, imagine what they can do adding land companies to their economy.

I know some of you worried about a Poland presence on our soil, remembering the period when the USA left EDEN and USA and Poland did not get along well. I'd like to reassure you that Poland and the USA have gotten along very well in the past few months and for most of the time since I've been in this game, we've been good allies. And even in the unlikely scenario that Poland would backstab us, we have lots of options as Harrison Richardson outlines. They'd not only activate our MPPs, they'd eliminate their own.

You can obviously see this would help Poland and EDEN, but this arrangement would be a huge boost to the USA as well. Per Choc's article, we'd be getting 3,000 gold per month from renting out our regions. Now take a look at our weekly budget. 3,000 gold will do wonders for our country and military, especially if we see a drop in revenue after we give Karnataka back to India. Almost all of our budget goes to military and war, 3,000 extra gold per month will make us stronger.

Getting Ireland in would be great as well, as they've been a great ally and need a high region of their own.

I hope that this plan is able to come into fruition and more countries with extra high-resource regions are able to let allies who lack one rent them. It is the most efficient way to run economies of an alliance.

Go move to Poland and fight in Scotland to make this happen. All Americans, EDEN citizens and Brolliance citizens that have the resources to move and fight should.

If you are a civilian and need weapons, Zelja is giving away free q2 weapons. If I see any other articles giving away weapons for this fight, I will add them here.