Help us build our next Hospitals and Defense Systems

Day 923, 16:20 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
Taking a break from my Vice Presidential campaign for an important Public Service Announcement.

Most of you know by now the importance of Q5 hospitals and Q5 defense systems. If you live in one of the three U.S. regions with Q5 hospitals (California, Florida, Karnataka), you can fight five times a day and recuperate the 50 wellness points you lost by fighting. The defense systems in those regions make those regions harder to capture.

What you probably don't know is that this country likes to have some extra Q5 hospitals and defense systems in reserve, for three reasons:

1) The obvious one: If our strategy changes and we need a Q5 hospital/defense system in a state like Texas, Pennsylvania or a foreign territory we capture, we can place it.

2) Diplomatic reasons: we can offer a Q5 hospital/defense system to a country that needs it and boost our relations with them.

3) The looming V2: Whenever V2 arrives, we may need more Q5 hospitals/defense systems depending on how the new war module works.

We need more Q5 hospitals and defense systems in reserve. I encourage those of you with any construction skill to work for our national Q5 hospital and defense system companies. Take any of the available offers, and if there aren't any jobs open, message the organization, they'll let you know when jobs are open:

Our Hospital company

Our Defense System company

Again, message the org if there are no offers available. While you won't be highly paid, the government is offering free gifts and food to employees to keep their wellness at 100. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Dr. Tango have access to the companies, you can be fired on short notice. Your construction skill does not have to be high to help, mine's only 3.15 and I signed up.

Thanks for reading, and I encourage you to check out Dave Richards' glossary of the USA government while you're at it.