Help South Africa against Russia & CoT

Day 2,037, 00:40 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno

Hello everyone, I wrote an article last day about CoT & South Africa relationship and did state our situation. There are few groups who doesn't want anything good for South Africa, but for their RL countries.

We are currently trying to impeach our traitor president but I am not sure If it will pass, due to same community reasons. That aggreement signed behind closed doors and half of congress did not invited to meeting.

So, we have to win this battle on our own. The first battle that Russia will start with MPPs is hard to win, I'm aware of that. But we can hit them via RWs. Every single soldier who want to kick CoT ass, should help us when we are able to RW our regions.

Hereby I declare that my party RTP is standing against unfair CoT occupation. I will gladly announce here every other party here who share same idea with me.

Léon Reno