Help Me Defend Israel

Day 1,029, 19:08 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
14 September 2010, Day 1,029 of the New World. I notice many problems in the Holy Land today, and a large amount of them deal with inactivity. We have another problem entirely with radical political groups. Our e-nation’s smallest two parties are simply launching pads for cults of personality. Two of candidates in the last Presidential election had ballot access despite hostile intent. Our Knesset contains members who ran and won just so they could try and steal the treasury. To move forward, this has to stop.

The political climate of eIsrael is even more tenuous with the merger of the United Zionist Party and Israel First. As our number of active parties draws from three to two, we lose some power to stop potential political takeovers, thefts, and illegal voting rings. Israel is in need of a few guardians.

To combat this trend, I propose we entrust one of our small parties in a man of integrity and honor. Let us turn it over to a national, not personal, focus. My friends, let us

Elect Rheinlander von Phalz as Party President of the New Millennial Party. As Party President, I can assure you that Con Dingo will not receive the party’s Presidential nomination. If at all possible, I will prevent candidates without eIsrael’s best interest in mind from running for a seat in the Knesset.

Citizens, stand up and do it for Israel! Joining the party to vote does not cost you anything.

Rheinlander von Phalz
Knesset Member, Beersheba South District