Gratz but Seriously: Next?

Day 1,398, 15:43 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

The phenomenal effort and 'balls' of ALL the Government in attacking London and was organised with supplies and support from allies so well, resulting in yesterdays historic victory in London, must go down as one of if not the greatest moment in eCanadian history. The fact that this comes two months after we ourselves were twice wiped from the map makes it all the more remarkable. It should however also serve as a warning...

Yes we have done superbly - not in my elife (since December 8 200😎 has London ever been occupied. That we are able to do this two this months after not existing is partly a credit to the organisation of recent and current Governments.

Can it be sustained? I would argue that it cannot. The focus of Eden and Terra will now return to eBulgaria and we do not have the population to 'hold' eUK. Though our victory is partly due to good management the fact that a country can be off the map 2 months ago and now conquer London is a warning of the possible retaliation we face. Poland are just across the Channel and we certainly don't want them back in N.America.

It seems to me we have three choices:

A. To try to conquer eUK.
B. To get to the eUK coast and invade ePolish occupied eFrance.
C. To negotitate a NAP (non agression pact) with eUK for us and eIreland.

The first option I think is impossible and hardly worth the effort anyway. The second brave but perhaps stupid as it involves fighting eUK and ePoland together at some point. Even if we won one part of eFrance we are still open to eUK attack via Scotland. The third option is perhaps boring but would alow a joint Terra attack on ePolish occupied eFrance while guarding our border from eUK attack...

I suggest neither as 'best' though my heart tells me we shall fight for A or B and my head tells me that C is the wisest. Some victories are wasted in the aftermath. Let us not make this a 'pyrrhic' victory where we say: "Another such victory over the Romans, and we are undone."