Good things come for those who persevere

Day 1,021, 14:18 Published in Croatia Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Proud members of EDEN, as confirmed earlier today, allied administrations have triumphed against numerous PTO attempts. It is with great satisfaction that I can today announce and respectfully recognise the new Presidencies of Australia, Bosnia and Switzerland. Without the strength, unity and commitment from the vast communities of EDEN, one of these aggressive, vigilantly PTO’ers may of succeeded. Alas, we can now turn to a month free of oppression and handicap, we can now look forward to a month of freedom, a month of progression and a month of optimism.

Hinokai has been rightfully elected as the Prime Minister of Australia.
No state can fail to recognise the strict organisation and dedication that was implemented to make this happen. The Presidency was decided upon by a mere 13 votes which highlights just how cancerous Indonesia is to the Southern Hemisphere, still we have seen what heart and spirit lies in the community of Australia and though there is still work to be done in the Senate, one takes salvation from this victory. With the fire of change burning within’ the Aussies, we look toward future victories.
Congratulations to you Hinokai and to all the people of Australia!

Admir M, the only official candidate of Bosnia and Herzegovina successfully won the Presidency.
Installing a cabinet of experience, merit and determination EDEN relishes the chance to work with such established names. Our first goal ofc will be to restore all of eBiH original territories asap.
We sincerely thank all who took part this counter PTO effort and wish Bosnia and Herzegovina a month of progress!

Sadly, Grimstone wasn’t elected to the Presidency in South Africa.
For a near 3 months this country has endured the antics of Hungarian PTOers and though it looked as though victory was near, the analyses period of the voting condemned Grimstone the Presidential spot.
Still fight remains in South Africa and EDEN will devote herself to assisting South Africa this month.

“We will continue to fight as we have before. South Africa remains loyal to EDEN and our only hope is to overcome this” - Grimstone, President of the Provisional Government of South Africa

Pro-EDEN candidate Jimakos-Thess won the Swiss elections with ease.
Mr. Thess is a prompt and ideal candidate. Experienced, active and trustworthily EDEN looks forward to tightening our relationship with Switzerland and wish the nation a month of success with the military, economic and international polices your new President aims to propose.

EDEN solely wishes the most successful of terms to all elected Presidents in member states. September is your month, embrace it gentlemen and cast your name into history

Rolo Tahmasee
Vlad Sabau

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