Going for Four in Beersheba

Day 1,101, 06:36 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

25 November 2010, Day 1,101 of the New World. Another election day is here and with it another opportunity to correct the mistakes of the last term. The United States is “freezing” their Congress, meaning that each party should get exactly the same proportion of seats as they had last month. If I hadn’t won at least four uncontested elections there, I might be against that. Russia is being political taken over still, but they might have already defended themselves by pushing the PTO party out of the top 5 in time for the election.

Sam Krakower was on the ballot and earning quite an impressive share of the votes. However, voting for him was a stupid idea, because the impeachment proposal against Gavin Wax kicks Sam Krakower off the ballot. A citizen is forced to resign Congress upon becoming President.

I am running for a fourth term in Beersheba. If elected, this will be my fourth term in Israel and my eleventh overall. Beersheba will also become the region I have represented the longest, surpassing my time in Arizona (3 months) and Michigan (3 months). For illustrative purposes, I present the Congressional history of Rheinlander von Phalz:

Beersheba South District is not drawn to scale, but Arizona, Michigan, and Missouri are, at least by eRepublik cartography standards.

My platform is the same as it has been recently: representation for all citizens, activity in Knesset, and a stronger, more stable, law-based state.

This article is not being linked as my campaign presentation. Go look at what I linked instead.