Future of UK Politics - Advancement

Day 289, 06:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Over the past 5 weeks, we've seen a dramatic increase in involvement in UK politics. Those who havent gotten involved before have done so, and we've seen some relatively new citizens come to the forefront through activity and ideals that show promise. Here's a rundown, in my own opinions, of what the future may hold in the United Kingdom.


The UKRP has seen a dramatic increase in Party activity over the last 5 weeks. Being my own Party of choice, I've had a chance to see and meet some outstanding candidates for all types of elections, and our next set of elections shows the same promise as the previous one. I have some mixed feelings of my own on the matter, but overall I think our future looks bright.

For starters, the person who really pursuaded me not only to live in London but to joint the UKRP (along with some old friends), Katie, has experience (as uMoD, Mayor, and Party President if she dedicates herself to the role. She has charisma and is a real beacon to newer citizens. Rayf Drayson, a relative newcomer (a little over a month), has shown the activity levels of an old timer, and has really stepped our perfomance up a notch through his involvement not only amongst our Party but with the Unions, Congress, and so on. He has been willing to help out in any way necessary. While he may think he's inexperienced, in my opinion everyone starts somewhere and his efforts certainly deserve merit. If another candidate comes to the forefront I am sure we'll have an interesting Party Election, as well as General Election.


With KIA announcing his retirement from both Presidency and Party Presidency in the coming elections (and I believe IP as well, but I can't be certain), the PCP will certainly have some new faces coming to the table. To my knowledge, Bremer, Stan Wephan, and Widdows have all announced they'll be running for the Party Presidency in hopes of continuing the PCP's hold of the Presidential seat. While I am in the UKRP, Bremer (Minister of Finance, Regional Council President, Mayor) and Widdows (Minister of Defense, Mayor) both have experience in Government and Congress and Stan has shown in his term in London and serving on the London Council that he has some good ideas to contribute. This should also be an interesting election to watch, and I don't think there's one clear favorite.


The Unity Party has shown significant improvement this term under Alain Bates, which has been nice to see. While he has been criticised of his past involvement in Government and for the London elections, the Unity Party has rallied around Angelfeather (who I think has been more active in game than people think), and the comraderie is certainly there. I havent seen anyone actively run for Party Presidency as of yet, but Squiddy and Hassan have both been extremely active, and I am certain they'd both make good Party Presidents should either one run against Alain. Overall, in the face of adversity they have grown stronger by the day.


Merging with the Tory Party has helped the membership numbers of the TRP, and they have their solid member base to go along with the new blood. I don't think the effects of the merger (seeing as how it's still rather fresh) have shown yet, I think they'll continue to improve. They have several active members on the forums, and aren't afraid to voice their opinions whether they are accepted or not.

Overall, the next month should be very interesting and fun to participate in. It seems forum activity has started to pick up greatly, and we're starting to mesh as a unit rather than simply 3 or 4 groups of people with different ideals (in my opinion). I think we'll see dramatic overall improvement in the UK this term and forward, and I look forward to seeing who could become the next President of the UK.
