Frida K - CP - Vota por el Futuro [ESP/ENG]

Day 3,058, 07:57 Published in Cuba Cuba by Sir Cocodrile

La democracia de eCuba nos ha brindado la oportunidad de elegir de nuevo como antaño la dirigencia del país en alguien responsable, dedicado, trabajador; esta es una GRAN OPORTUNIDAD para usar nuestros votos en votar al mejor candidato, votar a Frida K.

Muchos ya la conocereis, ella ha trabajado arduamente desde el primer día que eNació en la isla, independientemente de quien estuviera mandando, ella siempre ha estado ahí, trabajando y colaborando para hacer de eCuba un mejor lugar para todos.

Este acto de trabajar idependientemente del gobernante y tener una posición positiva y colaborativa con todos los partidos de eCuba lo ha plasmado de forma clara y concisa en su programa electoral siendo de los que más personas de distintos partidos incluye.

Así que, una persona que SIEMPRE ha LUCHADO y TRABAJADO por Cuba y por la Democracia, que SIEMPRE ha buscado la INTEGRIDAD y la IGUALDAD en la Isla; ahora que tiene la opción de ser la PRESIDENTA de eCuba es el momento en el que NOSOTROS como PUEBLO VOTAREMOS A FRIDA K.

MPS, PRC y PL subastando la medalla de CP

The democracy of eCuba has brought us the opportunity of electing as always the directing of the party in someone who is responsible, dedicated, hard-worker; this is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to use our votes for voting the best candidate, voting Frida K.

Most of you know her already, she has intensely worked since the first day she had eBorned in the island, independently of who was in the presidency, she has always been there working an collaborating to make eCuba a better place for everyone.

This act of working independently of the government and having a positive position and collaborative with every party of eCuba has been shown in a clear and concise way in her electoral program being one in which more people from different parties include.

So a person who ALWAYS have FIGHTED and WORKED for Cuba and Democracy, who ALWAYS have searched for INTEGRITY and EQUALITY in the island; now has the option of being the PRESIDENT of eCuba; it is the moment for US as POPULATION WILL VOTE FRIDA K.


Is someone doesn’t know it, this is Doncella Carol. I know, I know…I neither knew her until she presented for CP having less than a month in eCuba and NEVER having worked in the Gov.

MPS, PRC and PL auctioning the CP medal.