For eIndonesian Congress

Day 974, 20:34 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

This morning i got up and i saw this:

Do you want the current president of Indonesia to end this office?

4 Yes 4 No


Who the hell are the 4 persons who have voted yes????

Sapasaia is an excellent CP, he is doing his job in the best way possible and very strategically. there are lot of issues involved here.
I believe many of us have known him for a long time. He is one of the PRM supremos.
He has all the required skill, capability for an Leader.

I am thoroughly disappointed in the congress.
How can you vote Yes?

This moth due to V2 is very critical , we have an upperhand in europe and other places and we need to work with our allies which sapasaia has been doing a fantastic job.

We have loads of task at hand which has to be handled in a different way which sapasaia has been working on it.
V2 is a very new module for all of us, so we have to understand it in the best possible way and sapasaia is doing a very good job here.

If Sapasaia is impeached then Kandon will be CP.
I know Kandon very well, he is a bright person but he still needs a lot of experience before he
comes to the position of a CP. (no offense kandon , hope u understand)

Yes again a PKEI member has proposed it, but we as PKEI have condemned his action.
Pkei Say No to Impeachment

We do not support his actions and have taken strict actions against him.
So this does not reflect the party actions but his own personal intentions.

Yesterday WA was conquered , still there was no changes in Taxes for Grain and Titanium, I had to arrange something so that we do not loose money from there.

Please Vote Yes to the proposals. there is an agenda for this Tax increase which was will be discussed in ruangkongres.
We need to accumulate as much tax IDR as possible.


Grain Tax

Diamond TAx

So please congress members do the right thing and vote wisely.

The future of the country lies in your hands.

The last thing we don't need is an internal conflict.
Or else i will personally beat everyone with Martabak. kwkwkw

A thoroughly disappointed Ostin