Foot! Aim! FIRE!!!! Update

Day 958, 17:18 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
How does a Chicken Qwack?

A. Wars

No this is not a direct riddle as such... Well we are all used to 'headless chickens' and God knows we'd all love to roast them at times... Important battles fail cos the servers can't keep up. Countries fall to PTO because of massive numbers of multis. Nothing gets done...

Let us consider a recent example: The Newfoundland attack on eUK: eCanada started a Resistance War first (this stops them retreating) and then attacked. Well we won both and yet eUK kept the region!

When a complaint was made to the admins this was part of the reply: "As we stated last time when this issue occurred, we kindly suggest you again to plan your strategies in a way that allows a 10 minutes buffer between battles/wars closure. The main reason is that in those 10 minutes, the data base can experience a non-synchronization of automatic processes in the war module."

Or in other words "Our servers don't work well enough."

Ok how about you fix this false result? Another part of the Admin reply runs as follows...:"We are sorry for the inconvenience but we cannot intervene in the result of the already affected battles/wars or any other battles/wars that will suffer from such non-synchronizations because it will lead to more complex anomalies."

To put this into normal language "We fell asleep, we was ill, the car broke down, our Mother died, my cat had to go to the vet... please forgive us and TOUGH!

So eCanada wins a battle fairly and Admins CAN'T DO ANYTHING? Hmm here is an injustice. Could we perhaps get the weapons back? Or at least the money? Suppose it had been SERIOUS? Maybe with eRussia coming from Alaska as well? This is NOT a headless chicken! It's a duck caught on a fishing line! The rest is quackkers!

Let me make this ultra clear: The Admins are unable to run the current war module correctly. They: "kindly suggest you again to plan your strategies in a way that allows a 10 minutes buffer between battles/wars closure." Nor can they change it to reflect the TRUE RESULT.


For newcomers to erep a PTO is a 'Political Take Over'. eAustralia is now under threat of PTO for example. Why? Because eAustralias enemies are adapt at creating 'multi farms'. What is a multi farm? Well one person creates a load of proxy IPs (where your computer shows up) and then makes multiple citizens in erep all under his/her control, either that or one proxy IP makes a whole load...

Have Admins ever seriously fixed this? Again my response is negative. Again my response is negative. There are many other things that I could mention... random bans and admins themselves being hacked... the numerous 'bugs' such as the famous 'Gold Bug'.

Erep Sinking

Some of you have no doubt tried out the new version that is due to come in. I have heard NO good reports of the new war module, just more gold needs spending. Think new players are gonna stick about to play a game where ppl with money win? Where every trainer is moaning at you spend gold?

Have you seen one article in favour of V2? Hell there were none for Lana and many against... Fact is erep is about to stop being 'free to play' imo. I have been playing longer than many though not as long as some (531 days) and ppl who have been here 3 months have higher strength as I refuse to use Lana lol...

Can the Admins even run V2? I very much doubt it on the evidence above. They can't get the wars right NOW!


Any President who has chosen a national goal of increasing population: FAIL!

Any Admin who considers they are ready for V2:FAIL!

Any admin that thinks this will increase players:FAIL!

More importantly: Any Admin that thinks this will increase revenue:FAIL!

No, no and no again when ppl PAY and Admins mess up this is dead.

I dare say this article alone will get me banned lol... but sadly for me I must state my concerns. This may be suicide but then again the admins are commiting suicide for the game imo, I have always been a stickler for saying it how it is... Best wishes to friends and foes alike. My only regret... I was never a member of the Blue Birdies (Someii Patariae)...The Greatest Military Unit of my elife with the prettiest badge too. I am with you in spirit...

Take a good game and have freedom, attract hundreds of thousands, can't get it right and then find your last Q5 weapon... look down... see them? Them nasty feet! Isn't that a bit of me? Does it pay you? Well err no...Brain takes control: Fire!

Bad brain.

As you will see eAustralia is now PTOed... Will admins act? Roflcopters? Get an fing grip on what can't yet manage!