FISH - First eSingapore resource

Day 1,106, 15:59 Published in Singapore Croatia by Grof Dubrovnik

As you can see we have new types of raw materials discovered.eSingapore get first resource, FISH.
Food companies has 5% bonus on production now.
Warning! Now we can become a target!

Some main admins C/P

New types of Raw Materials discovered

Starting today, all the regions will offer a medium production value for all the resources but every
region will be rich in one (and only one) resource. The available resources will be: Grain, Fish, Fruit,
Cattle, Deer, Iron, Aluminum, Oil, Saltpeter, Rubber.

How will the productivity work for food & weapon companies?

All the food companies will get a 5% bonus for every type of food resource that your country has in its regions! The food resources are Grain, Fish, Cattle, Fruits and Deer. So if your country has at least one region for every of these resources, the food companies from your country will produce with 25% more! Of course, if your country has only 3 regions with rich resources, the bonus for the food companies will be 15%.