First Presidential announcement

Day 1,539, 19:41 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

First Presidential announcement

Well I was left speechless mid day, yesterday. I won… It wasn’t only shock I think it was more humility with some holy crap what did I get myself into thoughts. Slightly overwhelmed I received close on 25 messages and friend requests congratulating me and extending a hand of friendship from citizens and nations across the world. Showing that eSA has some significance across the world.

First of I am honoured not only to have won but to have run against someone of such quality like Had3z. From the beginning Had3z and I have been working together trying to have an election that would inspire some activity within the community and as we were campaigning I realised that eSA was actually spoilt for choice. Had3z it was great, it did the nation good, it set an example of what to come and mostly it was FUN! Thanks again.

Well off to business, I announced my draft cabinet and some changes I’d like to see happen in my term. My Vice president will be handling all domestic issues, and will be overseeing MoDA, MoF and immigration. Leaving me to focus on the rest of things.

My focus is going to be threefold. CSC development, Joining a new alliance (hopefully EDEN), and forming of the secret police (Our very own SS).

We belong to an alliance that many have said is dead. Which is not entirely true, there is just this perception at the moment as no nation has really sort to lead this alliance. So I plan in this term to revitalise this alliance. The CSC (Comrades of the Southern Cross accord) is an alliance that was formed to see smaller nations join and have the capability of a larger nation by being united together. There have been a lot of setbacks within this alliance which we hope to change. We hope to create activity in this alliance and gain ourselves international renown as the nation that led this alliance. Read more about it

Next we are in talks with other alliances to better enable our people to gain fighting experience. With a new alliance we are hoping to access more fights while at the same time helping create an enemy that we can fight. We as a nation currently at peace we need to have a purpose otherwise we just fight within our ranks. So hopefully we can gain success in this area.

Lastly and quite importantly, our security has always been the responsibility of a few dedicated people. We need to change this, which is why I will be moving the department of immigration to the MoDA as a sub department within that structure; they will still need approval from the SS before granting access to the nation. I wish to see a Secret police formed that will create a group of ±15 people that can be trained in protecting our nation. The Secret police will be tasked with gaining intel on people applying to be citizens, helping to organise that we will be able to have free and fair elections as well as assisting to getting rid of multi accounts and also to act as blockers within the elections. I wish to see this SS unit paid a salary by the government as this job can not be expected to be done for free anymore, and I believe if you are paying people the quality of work will be better. I obviously will go into more detail about this as we move forward.

This is the first official announcement from me. I will be transparent this term and request that should you want to get involved please contact me I can not possibly do everything on my own. Get involved buy into the game become an active member of the community

Kind regards
Your President.