Day 1,165, 11:51 Published in Romania Brazil by Adival

At the request of many friends and with the help of friend Paul Hellciffe I provide the article in the English version.

The article are for my friends and subscribers, if you like me to add. Thanks.

At the moment I will return to a subject where I talk at ease, the financial area:

A lot has changed since the last update. The fixed GOLDs reward for achieved for each level will reflect the pockets of the novice (because the first few levels are easily achieved) and in the pocket of those who bring many people into the game (Society Builder), which obtains 10% of GOLD by each invited player he have.

Comment of the most excellency Cabinet Minister of Education & Communications: I found this implementation good especially for beginners, before they gained between 3 and 4 GOLDs that "lottery", now they will always 5 GOLDs . Sure they lose (we all lose) the chance to win 40 GOLDs at once, but it was a chance in a million.

There was also the bot which favored the food companies for a few days receiving an extra incentive to buy food at a total of 120 hit points every hour, it was great for business and bad for the economy. This money came as an avalanche in the market and caused the currency depreciating against the GOLD.

On the other hand the prices of RAWs returned to the level of a week ago, which indicates a general improvement in prices. Only the salaries that remain at a level much higher than those of the outside world, it makes more money circulating within the country.

Fees or taxes:

With the recent fall in taxes made by Congress the previous mandate, we still have one of the highest tax burden in the Erepublik. Notice that before the income tax was 20% and dropped to 15% in most activities of the industry it helps yes, but if compared with countries such as Poland or Greece, who are always constantly participating in wars and still remain in the population as a TOP 5 ingame world, we see that we have much to advance the tax area.

A detail is the VAT at 15% for food, this is to attack the Achilles heel of the Brazilian economy due to the fact that food is of prime necessity. For the government, falls on collection of most products with the decrease in IT is being offset by the high tribute of food, in other words to the public coffers was to replace the six per half dozen.

With that businessmen are doing acrobatics and juggling to keep prices at this rate, especially in the business of food and still have profits. This is the merit of the Brazilian himself, amid the crisis find ways to circumvent them even I am not proud to say, evading taxes.


The current circumstances reminded me of the "theory of life" from a friend in Sao Paulo. According to this thesis, we are all jugglers and jugglers are our walks of life such as family, work, relationships, health, etc..

Also according to the theory, the juggling are made of glass, and one that does not break is the family. All others, after a fall, will never be the same, even if the fall causes only a small crack. Some may still be replaced, others not.

Going back from the thesis to my life, I have concluded that there is no greater truth, especially when it comes to relationships. But why do I have a stubborn wish to try to mend this malabar? I do well this excess of sentimentality? I concluded that it is not just to extend a pain, but also to enlarge it.

To complete this article I will give you some hints about how to behave in this scenario and at the same time be helping Brazil:

To Businessmen:

- It's best to invest their profits in products (storage) rather than sell it at this speculative price only to turn stock (Translator note: can't remember a better word, the author is talking about movimenting the stock). The stock will be done step by step, while the market is stabilizing.

- Try to buy raw materials from local producers or, at worst, Brazilian citizens abroad.

To Citizens:

- Do not lose your wealth, gained through hard work every day with wasteful spending, especially now with gold at a level very expensive! I noticed the increased use of weapons (participation in combat) pulls the consumption of food, but avoid unnecessary battles, it will be an expense that will make a difference. For both business and you feel happy i suggest the purchase of products (bread, weapons, money and tickets) of companies established in the country.

- Always working with more than 90% health, you will increase your level of qualification and sorting faster and manufacturers will avoid bankruptcy.

Excuse me any possible failure, cause I do it according to my available time. Vote and subscribe.
A big hug and the next article.

General Editor

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