FBS goes PRS

Day 268, 16:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Press play, It's morphin time!

FBS has decided to turn over a new leaf. We are changing our name to Power Rangers Sweden (PRS) and have changed our avatars accordingly. By the power of Zordon we have been granted the power to access the morphing grid with our new Dragon Coins and kick ass in colorfull spandex and wicked awesome helmets. You best believe it!

We all know LoDNS are a bunch of pansies. "I've got the ring of power. I always look confused and scared. I'm short and hairy. I don't wanna be king. BAAAAW!" We have robots! Take your medieval crap and shove it! You think you can take us? We'll combine into the Megazord and stomp your asses.

TFAP? Turning into a truck doesn't impress me. Our robots can take on all you suckers at once. Even in space! What good is a pacifist robot anyway?

And don't get me started on the Pakistan Puttys. Those guys are nothing but cannon fodder.