Day 2,609, 11:05 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

Questions what everybody fears to ask.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's next guest in the QUESTION TIME is the (ex)President of Israel: John Rupert Miranda


"What will be with your remembrance?"
"Were we betrayed by Cyprus?"
"Everyone passes the responsibility."

Mr. President!
Thank you for accepting our invitation.

So, you were the president in that dark hour when the war has begun with Cypriots. You did not have enough time to finish it, or solve it. Sadly it seems your term is overshadowed by the war. What will be with your remembrance?

Are there any peoples who blamed you?

Are there anyone who condemn you?

Well, I'm proud of my term and I will tell you why, on my first day the community was somewhat dead, no articles being published, anything...By the end of my term, we had a growing active community, and news articles being published every day. We now have a better country, a better community, and democracy...

Now we actually have proper elections, not only presidential elections but party elections where there are several, strong, experienced candidates...this was non-existent a couple of months ago. As for the war, every day during my term I was asked for war. Israel did not involve in any war, and that's why I was trying to get a Training war with the cypriots, when they say no, I tried to get one with Egypt, which didn't happen because of the Cyprus NE. These Wars have actually helped Israel. A lot of our players have increased their level, earned gold, and we have seen a growing number of active players in the last few weeks, not only new ones but old players too coming back.

Again, I was asked, every single day during my term for war, and now that we have one I hope everyone is satisfied. I do not understand why some people are whining about it. Maybe they need to spend some time playing to realize it was actually a good thing.

Regarding diplomacy, we did everything we could, we even tried to get a NAP through Greece..but nothing happened...This war was bound to happen regardless.
They didn't want NAP, they didn't want Training War....
We survived the war actually. There is a phrase: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. It is true.

Now you are exempted from the current political responsibility, please let us know the internal informations, because Tom Kafir were talking about Trolls, the Cypriots recognized -behind the scenes- that they provoked the war. So Are there any information of your government about the war, or are there any background bargain with Cypriot? Everyone passes the responsibility.

Well, not sure if i'm exempted, as I'm still part of the Cabinet and running for Party President in the Israeli Reform Party, which is the biggest party in Israel, holds the majority in the Knesset, and is the party in power (so to speak) as Tom is our candidate. So I cannot divest myself of the government's stance on this issue nor from the political scene, let alone from my responsibility as CP last term.

I may not be the current CP, but I made decisions and I stand by them. I support Tom Kafir's decision to get our regions back in whichever form he thought it was the best for us and now we see it was the correct thing to do...we have getting our regions back and we will secure our Knesset seats for the next elections.

If Cyprus really wanted to have this war for whatever reason, we could not have avoided it...regardless of any secret info we had. Tom Kafir acted in a proper way...we were used to troll proposals but this time it looked it was for real and the cabinet thought we would be better off by proposing the NE back in case they really wanted to attack us. There is no background bargain with Cyprus. The government has published all details and that's all there is, crystal clear. Tom is a very honest person and hard working and we should all trust him.
Were we betrayed by Cyprus?

Not at all...! you could say betrayal if they were our friends, but Cyprus is not an ally of Israel. We just remained neutral. The only ones that could betray us are our friends and allies, and Cyprus is none. I think there was a lot of tension and now we needed a vent...in the form of a war. If your question is, will they betray the NAP? well that I do not know, I hope they don't break it if that's what u ask me, but I do not expect anything from them, let alone something good.
As Tom Kafir promised in the Question Time, the peace treaty was accepted, we will have got back our territories. But some says the conditions of the treaty is unacceptable. What do you think? Is it really a shame if we accept the conditions, without any garantee?

Let me quote George Herbert "In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves." My point is, the interest of nations = our interests was to get our regions back quickly. Imagine having no Knesset this next election, that would have cost us about 40,000 cc (remember all congressmen donate their gold to the treasury) so do the math 20,000 is nothing compared to being wiped off the map for months...!!!

also imagine all the revenue we could have lost in the following weeks...!
We were going to lose all our regions anyways during the training war and then get them back, that was the plan..well the exact same thing happened but it wasn't a training war at the beginning.
Ok, You did not run in the presidential election, but you become a candidate in the forthcoming party presidential elections, -as you said- Is it a step back? What will you do if you will have been elected? Is it possible that you will become a president once again?

I will try to keep my party united. We need to be strong and support the current government. However, if I win the Party President elections, it is going to be a challenging month as I will summon our party members to draft our official Party Policies, which at the moment (I think) no party in Israel has.

These policies will cover Foreign affairs, home affairs, Defense, and Economy. I do not think it is a step back, I have been Party President many times before and it is a job I actually enjoy doing as the main founder of the Israeli Reform Party it is my duty to see that our party stays strong and united. Will I become a CP again? I don't think so to be honest Tom will do a better job than me, and the next CP I'm sure will do the same, (I hope a Reformer CP for the next term too I think my time has passed now and I enjoyed being CP...I never say never, but I think I won't run again for cp for some time.

I sent e-mail for the PP and ask them about their parties, and It's policy , sadly nobody asnwers yet, but we will talk about it later.

But the time has expired.

Thank you Mr. President As I wrote a previous articles, I hope your memories will stand the time of history.

I wish you good luck for the next election.

Thank you Rufus! and thank you for inviting me again, it was a great interview! I hope the party presidents get back to you and give you the answers the people want to hear.

Thanks for your time Mr. President.
I wish you good luck, and be successful in your work.

Did he overcame the challange? It is up to you.
He was a great talent I give him 10/9.2

It was the Question Time with Rufus1988