eUNL Country President Election : ThomasRed's candidacy...

Day 714, 13:11 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

My dear fellow citizens,

This month, the Belgian Party have decided to not support a presidential candidate but to propose his candidate. Like in July, August and September, i will run for President of the United Netherlands !

It's an important decision in my political life, and i'm happy to live it with you.

Our united country had hard time in the last month, loosing one of his region, Flanders. This situation is not acceptable, and we canno't resign to do all we can do to offer Flanders the choice EDEN dont give them : to leave or to join our Union.

One of the solution we have already talked about is to have a new ebabyboom. It ask a lot of works, but it's not a impossible goal. I know what i'm talking about, as i was President when our nation had its first ebabyboom (it was one of my three presidentials priorities) and as i worked in collaboration with Niouton to set up the eUNL ebabyboom website. I would like to help our nation again by working on causing a babyboom again. I have some ideas and i'm ready to work on a full plan to achieve it. I would like to use the Flanders resistance war and the EDEN political take over of the region to have some articles published in real national medias.

I also support the idea that having a real Belgian elected as President of the United Netherlands will be a open door to Flemish and will counter the EDEN propaganda on the Dutch colonisation of Belgium. I don't see my candicacy as a way to break our national solidarity, but in the contrary, as a way to make it more stronger !

The second thing i would like to work on is to update the New Citizen Message, which is now for months old (good memory for me, as it was my first presidential action). The New Citizen Message is a very useful tool as it's the first thing the new citizen read when they start the game. We have to use it to explain how to start correctly in the game, to give them some links to invite them joining our community, but also to learn them the current situation of our country, which is very important to feel concerned by the game.

Thirdly, i want to make things clear for ours citizens about PEACE GC. Our country is part of this alliance, and ours citizens can read a lot of things about it in the media, as for example the intern fight between members about the PEACE GC war strategy, about the fact that some big countries try to rules the small one, etc... I would like to ask you some questions : are you able to name the Peace GC Supreme Commander or the PEACE GC Secratary General ? We have helped financially the PeaceKeepers : what is that ? Is PEACE GC is still a defensive alliance ? What is the role played by our country in the alliance ?

An other priority is about our army. It used to be a very active and powerfull army, and our elite section, the Flying Dutchmen, was the pride of all our nation. During the last month, we didn't succeed to keep an high activity rate of our soldiers and officers, and the delivery of weapons have not been increasing. With EDEN forces near our home, our first priority is to help our soldiers to rank up faster, in the aim to strengthen our army and to make us abble to enforce our sovereignty.

And finaly, i dont' forget the Citizen For Unity Program (launched by Mark Decius). Our country have lost a region, but we don't have to put aside the others problems we have. This program is now in it step 2, Finding the solution... I invite all citizens to join the debate, on our national forum ( : it's time to move on. In parallel, our Congress still have to vote for a Constitution. It's an important matter and we have to solve it. I have confidence in the new elected Congress to work together on this issue.

During the months i were President, i promised to bring a real change... I'm now in front you as if it was my first presidential election campaign, and i have the same enthusiasm. Improving our nation, working for the wellness of our citizens, raising high the fly of equality, freedom, solidary !

Vote ThomasRed for President of the United Netherlands !
Give me back the keys of the Presidence !

ThomasRed, running for President...

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