eUK Communist Manifesto (part 2)

Day 2,167, 11:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Before I continue the list I will say that although these ideas were brought forward and accepted by the international communist community, this does not mean that any/all communist parties have to use this as their main ideals. The main point of this article series is to give a basic overview of what the main thoughts on how communism can get around the obstacle that is eRepublik.

(4) In eRepublik, Communists believe that having one Country President is, on average, a bad idea due to lack of activity, not enough ideas for an entire month or just poor decision making. A way around this is to initiate Politburo elections, where one representative from each politburo “team” should run for Country President but then make decisions based on the entire Politburos opinion. For example, the representative (CP) wants to initiate a new education system, he/she would have to ask for unanimous agreement on the idea through a poll. This can then be argued until a compromise can be reached where all members of the politburo are willing to take full responsibility for any consequences that may occur. There must not be any politburo candidates all from the same party, to prevent biased ideas being introduced.

(5) In eRepublik, Communists believe that import taxes should be increased (heavily) to help national communes get priority over foreign companies. This will increase the amount of profit that can be achieved, as well as the amount of investment into peoples own production. This would boost production, ten-fold, and also increase the amount of donations to organisations like the NHS and other things like airstrikes. This can also be good for the ‘socialism in one nation’ idea.

(6) In eRepublik, Communists believe that most of eUKs fighting power should go towards the liberation of other states and defence of eUKs allies and itself. This would mean that eUK must leave TWO and either become an independent state or form a new alliance that would have all the small threatened countries and other volunteering countries. The main idea behind this alliance would be to give each occupied country one of their regions back to have a congress and survive as a society. This would also prevent the need for defensive purposes as we would contact the aggressors and inform them that we are only looking to retrieve one of their oppositions regions back. Our new alliance would allow for training wars and swaps between territory as long as training wars do not turn into real wars and swaps don’t involve threats.

I apologise in advance for any eRep leftist ideological mistakes I have made, and if any are found I will edit them out.