eSerbia & eTurkey I urge you to reconsider. Do not open the Pandora's box...

Day 1,426, 10:45 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Ivan Vancho Makedonski
Добрa вечер Македонијо каде и да си \o/ пишувам статија после подолго време па сакам да ја искористам оваа прилика да ја поздравам мама оти знам дека че ме гледа на ТВ xD...и да...сите ве сакам 😘 🙂

Good evening citizens of the New World,

in the last few days we are witnesses of very strange situation going on. First of all Admins announce their plans of implementing two new countries in a way never seen before. Provocative home page banner about adding eAlbania and "eKosovo"?!? About eAlbania almost none had a problem, since they have an eRep community and deserve to have a country in this new world.
But the big discussion raised about the adding of eKosovo. I play this game for more than 2 years and I've never seen any organized community that represent them as players from Kosovo except some eSerbians. I have asked my self the question...
Why do admins want to implement a region(country) that does not have any active players and will provoke many flaming situations and lots of racial and religious hatred?

That's why they implemented a poll on a question that does not concern the wast majority of eRep players(except for Serbians and Albanians living in Kosovo) so they can transfer the responsibility for this situation to us, the players.
That's why they published the poll results sorted by countries, so they can provoke another conflict that will bring so much hatred and national/religious feeling on the surface, thus bringing a lot of gold buyers that will fight each other for the pride of their religion/country represented by pixels unlike many that play this game for fun.

As I can see from the atmosphere these days they are achieving their goal. The voting is over, the results are well known, the trolling began. Not much is needed for the admins to start harvesting what they have planted with this absurd poll.

The main roles in this admins plan are played by eSerbia and eTurkey, for me and for many Macedonians our closest friends and neighbors (yes neighbors because eGreece is in eAfrica 😃)
As this conflict between eSerbia and eTurkey arises we are stuck in the middle as a collateral damage. We can see the situation "outside of the box" and judge pretty much objective from a neutral point of view, and we realize the perfidious game played by the admins.
The situation is extremely flameable and is getting much worse with the activities of a group of players, a troll squad calling them selves iNCi currently settled mainly in eCyprus, eUSA and eTurkey. A bunch of PTO'ers and spoiled little kids that hate everyone and everything.

We had a problem with them few months ago that resulted with Cyprus joining TEDEN alliance. Long story shortened, Macedonian conquered regions in Egypt and Saudi Arabia occupied by Greece with lots of efforts. In a period we did not need those regions and we agreed to let Cyprus (in that time our ally) keep them for resources. But after a period we tried to negotiate a deal with them for a common benefit that will give us more resources needed for our economy. Their reaction was childish, they put in public the diplomatic talks and started trolling that we want to attack them and take "their" regions, but in fact those regions were previously conquered by Macedonia. The situation got out of control very quickly, they hit us in our sacred, our name in a manner not dignified for an ally. They even wanted to brake the long time brotherhood with eTurkey that we have build since the beginning of the eMacedonian community. But they did not succeed because Macedonian-Turkish relations are much more stronger than the attempts of those ignorant kids to brake them.

From my experience I can see the same scenario here, only they have changed eMacedonia with eSerbia and now their influence in the Turkish government is stronger.
That's why I urge you, my fellow eSerbians and eTurks, and especially your government officials not to fall into this trap. You can solve things, but you have to seat down and talk, not to argue in comments and shouts.
Serbians will say they started, Turks will say they started. It does not matter who started...

My message to eSerbians: Now when the voting is over, you have to calm yourself and think with a cold head. I personally did not agree with Turks voting for Kosovo as independent and tried to show them they are wrong, but if we take a look at the percentages served by the admins we can see that Poland and Hungary together brought as many votes for independent Kosovo as Turks did. I can see that you start flirting with eRomanians and eGreeks after you saw the percentages but be careful, your flirting with eGreece for us will be as sacred thing as your Kosmet, and I think Hungary will have a similar opinion over Romania. Play smart, be reasonable and do not let emotions overcome you. And please read the whole article if you before you reply to me 😉 Thank you, luv ya all 😃

My message to eTurks: What happened happened, you voted as you thought, no one can change that. In my opinion you were wrong, this is a game and you have to stick to your long time allies especially in a matter they consider their national question. That's why don't be surprised about their reaction, like a wounded animal they will strike you when you are hurt most. That's why shouts like Free Kurdistan appeared, they felt betrayed by you but this kind of trolling wont fix the situation. They are aware of that, I can see today in their official article that Serbia does not tolerate separatism and terrorism and stand by Turkey. It was a moment of weakness and words said in affect condition. Also when you plan your next moves in this game, think a little bit of us, your always loyal Macedonian brothers. Think how we feel when two our brothers have conflict. Do not make us choose, this is also for Serbia. We hate to choose between our friends, its like choosing between your right and left arm. The same thing for you, read the whole article before you reply to me 😉 Thank you, luv ya all 😃

Also I will address my fellow Macedonians...Do not take sides, stay neutral for a while until things between our brothers are solved.

To all: We have to show that our brotherhood is stronger than all those enemies that want to see us fight each other. Bulgarians, Croatians, Greeks just look from a side and laugh cynically waiting to tare apart the separated brothers.

These was my sincere opinion, please respect this. I will not hail anyone because we do not deserve. I will only hail reasonable people from our brotherhood countries. We are ONE \o/

Thank you for reeding...
Ivan Vancho Makedonski

PS: iNCi trolls are welcomed and will be reported with all my love towards them...FAIL OWLS 😛