eRepublik rebirth or death? My thoughts on the last changes.

Day 1,520, 11:18 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki


Today we received 2 massages from admins.

One by Platos's pm....which it was a little bit confusing about the matter of "work as manager" option, and one at our home page which is speaking about the deletion of the organizations.

As, it seems admins realized that something isn't going well at the economy module, so they are planning some changes on that.

My question is.....
Is the economy module the only game part that must be fixed?

I believe that the biggest problem of the game, is its age.

I will explain it.....

Most of the new users are coming here in order to help their countries to conquer as many new regions as possible. They want to help their e-countries to grow, and to see them rule all the e-world.

But after some playing they realize that they can't help their e-countries. And this is logical. They are comparing their damage....and the damage that the biggest tanks can do. When they are seeing that the biggest tanks can do millions of influence in a round, they just disappointing. How much an influence of 20.000 can change the battle status when there are users that can do 20.000.000 per round? So, they are living the game.

And unfortunately...a game without players will die soon or later.

So, something must be done...and I think that it must be done quickly. The last year the game has the same number of active players. That means that soon or later the active players will start to reduce if the game remain as it is.

I can say that admins did a lot of interesting add-ons in the game in order to keep new players active (as bazookas, Military units etc)...but it seems that it isn't enough.

One thing must change: The gap between new and old players. The new players must have a reason to stay in the game.

And this can be done easily. Or by putting limits on health packs and candy bars (as it was at V1 version of the game)...or by the way that I will propose below, and I think that will help the game to gain its old glory.

The damage made from the weapons will be a result of users strength and quality of weapon.

An example (numbers or parameters can be different)
- empty hands --> (current influence with empty hands / 2) + 500 influence per hit
- Q1 qun --> (current influence with Q1 / 2) + 1000 influence per hit
- Q2 qun --> (current influence with Q2 / 2) + 2000 influence per hit
- Q3 qun --> (current influence with Q3 / 2) + 3000 influence per hit
- Q4 qun --> (current influence with Q4 / 2) + 4000 influence per hit
- Q5 qun --> (current influence with Q5 / 2) + 5000 influence per hit
- Q6 qun --> (current influence with Q6 / 2) + 6000 influence per hit

Let's see an example with real data:
Tall_Niki (11390.65 strength)
damage per weapon can see here:

Influence per hit
- empty hands --> 1.768 + 500 = 2.268
- Q1 qun --> 2.122 + 1000 = 3.122
- Q2 qun --> 2.476 + 2000 = 4.476
- Q3 qun --> 2.830 + 3000 = 5.830
- Q4 qun --> 3.183 + 4000 = 7.183
- Q5 qun --> 3.538 + 5000 = 8.538
- Q6 qun --> 3.891 + 6000 = 9.891

daki9333 (1000 strength) I picked randomly a player with 1000 strength
damage per weapon can see here:

Influence per hit
- empty hands --> 259 + 500 = 759
- Q1 qun --> 155 + 1000 = 1.155
- Q2 qun --> 181 + 2000 = 2.181
- Q3 qun --> 207 + 3000 = 3.207
- Q4 qun --> 233 + 4000 = 4.233
- Q5 qun --> 259 + 5000 = 5.259
- Q6 qun --> 285 + 6000 = 6.285

Let's now imagine that the 2 players above making all the food fights (600 health - 60 fights) with Q6 quns

With current system:
Tall_Niki: 7.782 * 60 = 466.920
daki9333: 570 * 60 = 34.200
Difference: 432.720
34.200 of 1000 strength user are not changing the battle status......

With proposed system:
Tall_Niki: 9.891 * 60 = 593.460
daki9333: 6.285 * 60 = 377.100
Difference: 216.360
377.100 of 1000 strength user CAN change the battle status......

Which are the advantages with such a change:
a. New players are very important to fights (when they are having guns)
b. New players can play as the old players. Can win BH and CH medals easily with the use of health packs and candy bars
c. New players are buying products from the market (so economy module parameters changing).
d. Strategy come again to war module
e. Old players are still making bigger damage per fight
f. Nothing else is needing to change in the game
g. New players will come and stay to the game
h. and many more.......

I don't know if you like my proposal, but I think that something must be done in order new players to have reasons to stay in the game. And the solution will be given only if something will be changed in the war module.
