Enlightening Trivia on Singapore

Day 1,042, 19:30 Published in Singapore USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

27 September 2010, Day 1,042 of the New World.

Greetings, Singapore. Congratulations on being appointed the second stop in my media world tour. I started this five days ago in North Korea. Your mediaplace is pretty light, so here’s my contribution in the hopes of brightening your small country and maybe picking up a couple random subscribers.

Take a moment to reflect on the flag of Singapore.

Simple enough – bichrome with a modest symbol defacing it in compliance with the rule of tincture.

Let’s then consider an assortment of other national flags.

We see similar iconography in Turkey, Pakistan, Mauritania, and Malaysia. Singapore stands out from them, though, because they have a Mohammedan majority population while Singapore does not. Usually that symbol can be associated with a certain demographic.

Singapore is not alone in this situation. Another land uses the crescent without being dominated by mosquegoers. Singapore shares this random tidbit in common with…

South Carolina