Endgame on the East Coast

Day 675, 11:10 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
25 September 2009, Day 675 of the New World. WASHINGTON D.C – The eastern half of the United States has now been completely returned to United States control. The District of Columbia and the French occupation forces holed up in the area were totally overwhelmed. Allies forces now patrol the Mall without opposition.

Battle formations at the beginning of the liberation of the District of Columbia. Maryland was almost entirely secure when the battle for D.C began.

With a relatively small number of conflicts globally in the last 24 hours, American efforts were highly focused on the capital region. Even with activated mutual protection pacts from Indonesia and Iran, France could not hold out. The wall ended with more than 1.9 million damage underground.

I stepped into the National Air and Space Museum, not far from the Capitol, after a long day in liberated Trenton and Annapolis. When I asked a Spanish serviceman inside why he was guarding the museum, if it had any strategy importance, he replied that it did not; he simply wanted to visit the museum.

Max McFarland 2, construction guru, was the allied hero of the conflict. He fought all the way from Pyongan, North Korea, where another type of battle entirely is being fought. Handray, an Indonesia with 22 battle hero awards already, was the defense’s hero.

Russia was expelled from North America on 24 September and Iran was on 19 September. France’s expulsion today leaves only Hungary with occupied territories on the North American continent.

Early in the battle, it was speculated that the French may attempt a tight defense of L'Enfant Plaza, which would provide underground access to virtually the entire city. It is unknown at this hour if that was their stronghold, as it was conquered before reporters arrived on scene.