eIndia's Counter Offer to eIran

Day 756, 10:10 Published in Iran Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Greetings to all,

eIndia declared war against eIran a few days ago. this was brought on and orchestrated by MAFIA and their repeated attempts to PTO our elections, PP, President and congress. Despite this, we continued talks with the most courteous and amicable President of eIran, NEC.
The last straw however came due to 2 reasons :

1. MAFIA began the region RWs on their own and broke down the talks completely.
2. MAFIA continued with their hate, trolling, spam amd PTO campaign unabated.

This finally led us to declare war against eIran as we see no chance of surviving another PTO attempt and have had it as far as being bullied is concerned.

Our citizens decided that the best way was to stand up for what is ours and risk losing everything if the case may be.

This has had its unexpected positives with a buzz around the nation and a unity never seen before and we have already seen new citizens trickling in and joining up and participating eagerly. We have also had a couple of hard fought successes which have helped keep the momentum.

Today, the President of eIran - Ashi_BombA gave us an offer that says Iran will give us West bengal and will prevent MAFIA from PTOing us for which we have to sign peace treaty.

We have had a marathon meeting after which the majority vote has decided that we began this war to secure all our own regions back and we should only close the war once we have secured them. Also, we have no faith in MAFIA ceasing their operation as they have shown repeatedly their disdain for us as a nation and they may perhaps hibernate but never cease.

We have come up with a counter offer to Iran wherein we stick to our original goals and will sign peace only on the following terms :

1. All MAFIA activity ceases for good.
2. Our final region under Iranian control - Jharkhand is to be returned to us.

If this offer is acceptable to Iran, we would be more than amenable to discus peace and close out the war.

If it is not, we can understand...Jharkhand may be precious to Iran but it is our natural region and our fight is a fight for justice, for our own land, not imperiastic in nature. We want what was ours.

We have to thank MAFIA for giving strength to a sleeping tiger that had to take days of being bullied just because we did not have the gumption to speak out. We are however, always in favour of peace and if Iran recognises our right and wishes to strengthen ties in the future, we can settle this without need for any more fighting.

Once again, thank you MAFIA, we blame you for what has happened as it made us realise that losing our country was not such a bad thing after all...too bad you have failed in all your attempts and made us stronger.

To the people of Iran, I am sure you would have done the same in our place and I urge you to look at it from our point of view as well and show good faith to work towards a more positive future.

thank you...we await your reply before MAFIA compel us to have to take whatever decision is needed to make sure they fail again. Hopefully 24 hours should be a reasonable time span.


MoEA - eIndia.

EDIT : In response to Poopak's comment that the RWs were started by ST6/AHF...

If you may have forgotten, the RWs were for Bihar and UP and were started by Werewolf 687, who was a MAFIA man in the Iranian congress. He even received a medal for one successful war. and had also paid the highest bid to start the war. You can confirm with NEC please.