EDIT: A poll question about eRepublik Maxihellas by Tall_Niki

Day 1,350, 07:39 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki

EDIT: It was very clear that almost all users wanted a new database. So, I made the new database, and now the data for the active citizens are been downloading. From tomorrow, Maxihellas will by fully workable.
The link of the site with the old data will be posted tomorrow, in an article that I will make giving some infos about the new database.

Thank you

As I told you at my previous article, eRepublik Maxihellas has started to working again, and now it is downloading all the missed data of the last 3 months.

From the time that eRepublik Maxihellas stopped working until now, many changes have been done at the game.

The major change at eRepublik is the health per day, that every user can restore for free every day.

With the current situation, every player can restore up to 2400 health daily without using any health pack. 3 months ago every player could restore about 300 health the day without using any health pack.

That means that the damages that was made 3 months ago are too low, compared to the current situation.

My question is simple:
Do you want the eRepublik Maxihellas to start calculating damages from today and the old data to be transfered to another site for historical reasons?

If you choose that you want to start maxihellas with a new clear database, maxihellas will be fully workable from tomorrow (the lists would not been deleted from the maxihellas database).

If you choose that you want old data must remain to maxihellas database, you must wait about one week for maxihellas to be fully workable.

Your answer at the comment will be critical for me, in order to choose what to do 😉

Answers until now (08:44 erep time)
New database: 17
Continue at old database: 4

Thank you