Day 1,167, 05:44 Published in Brazil Brazil by Adival

The article are for my friends and subscribers, if you like me to add. Thanks.
At the moment I will return to a subject where I talk at ease, the financial area:

Those who do not understand very well the financial issues of a country this article contains brief explanations of ingame economy and its mechanisms, but this article was developed and aimed mainly at players who are starting in Erepublik and chosen by Brazil as their country of origin but also serves as an information-economic scenario of the country's military.

With the recent RWs (Resistance War) are wars initiated by citizens who wish to see the region free of occupation of another country) lost, Brazil lost the bonus total productivity by having all the resources.

Resources in our region are:
• Iron in Parana and Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul
• Grains in Center West of Brazil
• Fish in the Northeast of Brazil
• Fruits in Southeast of Brazil
• Cattle in KwaZulu Natal
• Eastern Cape
• Deer in the Salt Northern Cape
• Oil at Low Southern Amazon
• Rubber in North of Brazil
• Aluminum is not available (lost in RWs)

We currently have 41, 97 and GOLD 17,487.34 BRL referring to the National Treasury 28/Jan 17:09 pm the day (Day of the New World 1.165) data is not very relevant since the country's wealth is in an org called Controle Nacional where currently have 4747.78 GOLD and 39164.18 BRL, these values will be spent mainly by the government to keep the Brazilian army and its divisions, but also with the proposal of MPP and social assistance.

There is trade embargoes with Poland that expires in 4 days and is on the ballot, a process of natural enemy against Spain. Running away from the subject but a rather important issue, also on the financial aspect, we have MPP with the following countries:

Portugal that expires in 20 days;
Turkey that expires in 12 days;
Russia that expires in 10 days;
Argentina that expires in 25 Days May;
Iran that expires in 13 days;
France that expires in the 16 Days;
Serbia that expires in 4 days;
United Kingdom that expires in 18 days;
Germany That expies in 26 Days,
Indonesia that expires in 29 days;
Republic of Maceonia (FYROM) that expires in 17 Days,
Romania that expires in 26 days;

These alliances represent the MPP which you as business owners may choose to develop their business without the fear of a possible ban.

An alliance, formally known as "Mutual Protection Pact", in Portuguese Pacto de Proteção Mútua (MPP) is a defensive agreement between the two countries. If a country is attacked, the other country automatically becomes ally in the war, its citizens can fight for their ally in its territory. This agreement is favorable because you can count on their partners to come to your defense if you're attacked. On the other hand, you will be forced to fight off any attacker of the countries involved in this agreement even if that attacker is a partner of your country in another alliance.

When a country activates another alliance by attacking its original region, then that region may counteract the attacker (either in original or not original parts) together with all its allies.


Foods currently are: 15% Income Tax, 10% Import Duty and 15% of Value-added Tax,
Moving Tickets currently are: 15% Income Tax, 15% Import Duty and 10% Value-added Tax;
Houses currently are: 15% Income Tax, 15% Import Duty and 1% of Value-added Tax;
Hospitalscurrently are: 20% Income Tax, 99% Import Duty and 1% Value-added Tax;
Defense Systems currently are: 20% Income Tax, 1% Import Duty and 1% of Value-added Tax; Grains currently are: 15% Income Tax and 15% Import Duty ;
Oilscurrently are: 15% Income Tax and 15% Import Duty;
Stones urrently are: 15% Income Tax and 15% of Import Duty;
Ironsare currently are: 15% Income Tax and 15% Import Duty;
Weaponscurrently are: 15% Income Tax,15% Import Duty and 5% Value-added Tax;


Minimum is 0.80 BRL;

The minimum wage is the lowest wage rate that employers are legally allowed (approved by Congress) to pay employees for time and effort spent on producing the products. It is also the lowest value at which a person can sell their labor power. Although there is in virtually every country in the world, there are various opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of minimum wage. Proponents say it increases the standard of living of workers and reduces poverty. Opponents say that if it is loud enough to be effective, it increases unemployment, especially among workers with low productivity (due to inexperience or disability), thus impairing the least skilled to benefit from the most qualified.

Medium is 7.07 BRL;

Average Wage in the country is the sum of all earnings paid divided by the number of workers.

Current productivity in Brazil

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) this month is 6110.98 Gold;

Acronym in English for what would be the Produto Interno Bruto (PI😎 is one of the measures of income and output in the economy of a country. It is defined by the total market value of all goods and services produced in him during the past 30 days. Used as an indicator of quality of life in an economy, the logic being that all citizens would benefit from increased economic output of their countries.

Exports this month is 139.14 Gold;

The export in Erepublik is the operation which the exported product is offered by the company itself on the market that it has a export license, otherwise companies can’t sell their products in that market.

Imports in this month's 229.00 Gold

Imports in Erepublik is the tax and business process that consists in bringing a product (buy) from abroad to the country of reference. The procedure should be made through nationalization of the product by the exporting country obtaining the export license.
Inflation this week is 486.52%;

Inflation refers to changes in the prices of goods in eRepublik over time. Inflation can be taken to lower the value of the currency and it makes one think that the high rates of inflation are caused by high rates of growth of circulation of money. The rate is calculated based on increases in the prices of all goods sold in the Market Place during the last seven days. The system of inflation was introduced in July 11, 2008.


Despite several attempts by Congress to reduce, our tax burden in the country remain high. In analogy to a stranded car this process ran aground in the mud and the more it is voted, more it slides on that mud.

We have the highest wages and prices in the world taking into account the amounts invested in each currency, this is due to inflation and obsession with profit by entrepreneurs in some industries in Brazil so there is no much difference earn well, since the cost of living in country is too high. But if we examine the mechanisms in Gold with a quote for various markets, our wages fall short of being worse than the ingame least developed countries (if you want to do a comparative I suggest using this tool).

As for government spending, I leave that to the Congress to do their analysis and notes, as it was for this that we citizens thinking about the best for Brazil voted on them. And despite being against the maintenance of the army, I agree that it is a necessary evil.

Excuse me any possible failure, cause I do it according to my available time. Vote and subscribe.
A big hug and until the next article.

General Editor
Paul Hellciffe
Official Translator

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