eCivilian MU Supplies

Day 1,473, 12:06 Published in USA Netherlands by rainy sunday

Hello. Revision for members of the eUnited States Civilian Military Group

Jan23 | Day 1,525 of the New Worl😛 Update for the eCivilian Military Group

Unit Members may request supplies using this form:

- All members (and only members) of the eCivilian Military MU are eligible to receive supplies using the request form provided.

- You may request supplies once per day. Duplicate same day requests will not be acknowledged.

- A new request must be submitted each day you wish to receive supplies.

- Supplies are distributed within 24 hours. If your request is not filled in that time-frame, resubmit and send me a message in case of form error.

- Please be sure to use your complete profile url.

- Supplies subject to change depending on what we have available.

Currently, requesting members are provided with enough food and weapons for 20 armed fights.
Because our program operates on a limited budget and relies heavily on private donations and proceeds from fundraisers, the Quality of supplies may vary day-to-day. Adjustments to quantity of supplies offered will be made as needed.

If you wish to make a donation to help support the eCivilian Military Group, please donate directly. Your donation will be recorded and acknowledged in a future press release from the Department of Interior.
Goods may be sent to:
Money may be sent to:

In response to recent questions concerning supplies and special requests:

- I DO NOT use any level or strength requirements or caps in determining Quality of goods sent.

- I DO regularly send out accumulated lower Quality goods to manage inventory and free up space for future donations.

Please Note: Those of you who wish to resell low Q weapons in order to purchase higher qualities or have other needs to meet mission requirements, you are welcome to do so without penalty or prejudice.
