eCanada Steps Forward with Sara: Internal

Day 981, 13:54 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

What is democracy? Should it end with voting? What is the point of voting if you don't actualy know what your Government is upto? In todays real world 99.8% of population don't know what their Government is really upto. Look at the Wikileaks disclosures recently ( Well the same is true of eGovernment too, remember the Ironman tanking fund? Many of past eCanadian Governments secrets I too have been privvy to and while I do not intend break the trust placed in me by revealing them I do wish to change the system! It is time for accountable eGovernment!

A. Accountable President

IF you elect me as President on August 5th I shall seek to change the Constitution such that the Vice President, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance must vote in Cabinet with the President having an equal vote on any declaration of war. Generaly a President will appoint friends and people he/she know well to the Ministers jobs. If they disagree with the Presidents proposal it is likely it could be a mistake or needs further elaboration.

B. Accountable Ministers

If elected I will seek to pass laws such that: All Ministers will submit weekly financial statements to (on a Friday) to the Auditor General who may then take until Sunday before submitting them to Congress with his/her comments.

The Ministers will report to me directly also every Friday on the state of their progress. I shall submit to Congress a detailed progress report on the Sunday and a summary of the overal financial, political, and military State of the Nation article every Sunday.

I shall seek to introduce a law such that; the Auditor General is elected by Congress.

What is the point of this Sara? Seemples! Executive and Congress partnership!

Accountable Congress.

It would be desireable to have regional forums with eCanada forums where Congress members can help their electore and reply to any requests on how they voted in certain matters etc... They can obviously then campaign and be criticised by the people who they represent!

The Law.

If elected I will set up a 'Tribal Council' composed top five Party Presidents (or their chosen representatives) to review the whole judicial system. Their brief will be: How to make Justice faster, more relevant to eCanada and what precedent is permitted in eCanada? I am no lawyer but while past cases have perhaps come to correct conclusions they have certainly extended the 'meaning' of our Constitution, which itself will be for the Chief Justice to review and report to Congress. If our laws are to mean anything lets sort out what constitutes 'law'!


Accontable Government is possible and brings inclusion and REAL democracy. Granted I am have been a member of the 'eCanadian elite' but how many times have heard wannabe Presidents harp on about 'transparency'? As MoFa I always released weekly articles to inform the public and as President I shall seek to empower the public via their Congressmen and via laws forcing disclosure of accounts and politics to Congress and the public in general. Ladies and Gentlemen lets make a democracy! How do you know your eGovernment is well run? My reforms will alow you to see!

In future articles I will cover Foreign Policy and Military Organisation, Financial Policy and Internal Priorities and Structure. Finaly I shall issue a Goals and Cabinet list.